Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, July 30, 2012

When the Spirit Touches the HEART, HEARTS are CHANGED - July 30th, 2012


I got the package! Thank you so much! The scripture case and everything is great! I can put a bunch of stuff in the scripture case which I love! A ton of pockets! Thanks for everything else in there too :)

So I am curious, how much did your bike cost? Because I really want to get one of those when I get home! It will be sweet! Just dont get too good Mom! I dont want to get beat by a girl ;) haha! (An inside joke - when Levi ran Hood to Coast, he said he would NEVER get beat by a GIRL! Well, lo and behold on the last leg...he got PASSED by a GIRL and we never let him live it down! PRIDE goeth before the fall!) WAY to dominate your swim time from last time! That is awesome!

I hope the BOYS are having fun at the camp! Is Teagen back for good now?

Well, amazing things are happening in this mission. Especially here in Ocala! Elder Bennion and I both gave a talk in sacrament and also gave the lesson in 3rd hour. In sacrament Elder Bennion talked about the talk given by Elder Holland titled "No One Was With Him". Then I gave a talk on Elder Hallstroms talk in last general conference titled "Converted to His Gospel Through His Church." It was so great! Then in the 3rd hour Elder Bennion talked about Christlike attributes. Then I did the same thing President Barry did in Zone Conference. You know how I told you how he told the account of Jesus Christ's Atonement. The details that are in the account he told make the spirit very present and the feeling of gratefulness and love is always there. So I did the same thing and told of the account of His Atonement. And afterwards I shared a quote out of Preach My Gospel that says "The more we understand about the Atonement, the more our desire to share the gospel will increase. We will feel as Lehi did, "a great importance to make these things known to the inhabitants of the earth."" It was so great!

I have felt the spirit constantly in my life recently. I seriously have never ever felt this way before. I love the Savior so much more and I feel so much closer to God than I ever have. It is incredible. I hope I never go back to the way I was before my mission. Like Preach My Gospel says "When the spirit touches the heart. Hearts are changed." I have really come to realize  that when we are teaching it is all about the spirit. We can teach the Restoration as clear as possible. And unless the spirit is there it wont do any good.And in order for the spirit to be there we must love the person we are teaching.

But we had a part member family at church this sunday and the non member husband was really touched and he invited us over this week! OH YA!!!!!! :) :) :)

And we are currently teaching another part member family. There is an unbaptized child and he is getting baptized on August 11th :) Everything is going really well here!

The mission is really taking off. Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven! I love this work. I am so grateful I have almost a year left! Gotta get out there and work!

Love ya'll
Elder Wise

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