Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, July 16, 2012

WE MUST ACT! - July 16th, 2012

Hello :)

Well, we got transfer calls last night and I am being transferred tomorrow. Just like Dad said, change feels good sometimes. I have loved this area here in Gainesville. It has been incredible. I was very neutral about trasnfers because I would love to stay in Gainesville another transfer. But at the same time, change is nice sometimes. So we will find out where I am going.. I have no clue.

 So, David is doing ok.. but he is still struggling. But one of the two new investigators we found last week. He accepted a baptismal date for July 28th. He came to church for the second time this last Sunday. At church, after sacrament he said the following to Elder Thomas and I: "Before, I felt lost and damned, but now, I know the path to salvation. I know who I really am! Thank You!" I paraphrased that statement but that is why we are out here doing this work! He is getting baptized on July 28th without a doubt.. Unfortunatly, I wont be able to attend :( We used to be able to travel for baptisms of people we have taught, but President Barry changed that two weeks ago :( perfect timing! haha. I am very excited for him though :) I got a picture with him yesterday and everything.

This week I realized what it takes for investigators to gain a strong testimony. I have seen 2 people who have completely changed there lives and have a strong testimony while being here in Gainesville. Both of them acted on every invitation we extended. Just like it says in Ether 12:6. We recieve a witness AFTER the trial of our faith. We have one investigator named who isn't acting. She hasn't made any progress. I have taught many investigators who suffer from the same dilemna. They DONT ACT. The gospel is on the foundation of exercising faith and ACTING. If we don't act, we don't gain a testimony. I have learned that if we are people who ACT, then we will follow the gospel and prosper in life. If we dont act, we will struggle all through life. And obviously those who act will still struggle, but not like those who dont.

Last night, Elder Thomas and I had a lesson with a less active Sister. She has been struggling to come back to church but has shown great interest in wanting to come back. We finally got her to commit to come to sacrament. That is all she will come to for now, but the sacrament is the most important part :) We didn't even have to invite her this time. She said she had been thinking about it a lot and that she wanted to. The spirit works with everyone. There is proof of it right there - 80% of the conversion process happens while the missionaries aren't even there!

Mom, your bike is SWEET! I'm going to have to get me one of those one day. :)!

Dad, Stock, and Micah, WAY TO DOMINATE THE SCUBA thing. Especially Stock, way to have that determination and perseverance to push through the pain. That is what makes a great athlete!

Micah, dont worry.. the pain will go away :) haha. I remember asking myself if my mouth would ever be normal again? But its normal again.. yours will be too.

Well, until next week! I love you all and have a wonderful Week!

Elder Levi Wise

p.s. I have seen a lot of crotch rockets flying around Gainesville and they look like a ton of fun. So I have been pondering on whether I want to get one when I get back home. And of course, I know Mom wouldn't approve and that is been a big part of my thoughts. And the accident that we saw on the way to that vacation. Well, about a week ago we received a text from President Barry. He told us that a former missionary whom I knew was in a severe motorcycle accident and was currently in the hospital and he asked us to pray for him. My heart sunk when I read the text. Yesterday, we received another text from President Barry which informed us that this former missionary had passed away due to complications of the accident. My heart sunk even more. And I decided that I will never ride a motorcycle. And then I thought, am I really not going to just because of a possible danger? But that is a big danger. And I know I have things I need to accomplish. Love you all! Have a great week!

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