Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, July 9, 2012

Gainesville Coming to an End - July 9th, 2012

Dear Family,

This week was a great week and I can't wait to tell you all about it :)

Well, It sounds like a lot happened this week. Micah, way to be manlier that Teagen and I (Micah just had his wisdom teeth out and has thus far been tougher than his two older brother :). I just remember it not feeling very good! And Stock, don't worry about the braces :) At least you are just 14 when you have them. I am planning on fixing the gap in my teeth when I get back. There are a ton of dentists in this ward, and I asked one of them what it would require and he told me it will probably require braces. So at least you won't have them when you are 21 or maybe even older :P haha

We got two amazing referrals this week that turned into two new investigators who attended church. One has a baptismal date for the 28th of July and the other has accepted a to be baptized but we dont have a date yet. They are both super prepared to receive the gospel :) It truly has been a great week being able to teach them. One of them served 6 years in the infantry. 

So that investigator named David from last week. We left a card in his door last Sunday. We went back on Wednesday to check on him. The card was still in the door and his car was in his garage and he is really old and went to the hospital 2 weeks prior to that. So, we were worried and called dispatch and they came to check on him. When they came we had to leave, but we went back the next day and asked the neighbors what happened and they said that they took him off in an ambulance. So I hope he is doing okay. The neighbor did say that he was alert and awake, but hopefully we will find out what is going on soon.

I am so grateful to have been with Elder Thomas these last 3 months! I have learned a ton from him. We do know that one of us will definitely be leaving, but we just don't know for sure which one is leaving. I have been here for 6 months now, and Elder Thomas for 3 months. Everything is pointing at me to be getting transferred, but crazier things have happened so maybe I will stay here another transfer.

I only have one more week of training and a week and a half left in this area :( Which is definitely my favorite area so far! Everyone here is GREAT!

Sorry for the short email. These computers we have been using lately are really slow, which really shortens up our time to email. Hopefully we will go to the Family History Center to email next week! Much better than the library :P

I love you all and I hope you all have an amazing week and I will reveal the transfer news next week :) DUN DUN DUN :) I love transfers. They are exciting. Change is always fun and exciting :)

Love ya,
Elder Wise

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