Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

OCALA, FL - July 24, 2012

Dear Family,

We found out half way throught the week last week that this PDAY would be on Tuesday again due to Zone Conference. We had our Zone Conference yesterday and I will tell you more about that later.

So I got transferred to Ocala 2nd ward and my companion is Elder Bennion and yes mom, haha he is my MTC companion which is really funny. I am in a four man apartment again which makes me happy because the other two Elders are Elder Craig and Elder Jensen and they are awesome! Elder Craig goes home this next transfer and Elder Jensen is on his second transfer. He is being trained by Elder Craig. Anyway, we play basketball twice a week here. On Wedensday night we have a scripture class and play basketball with our investigators afterwards.  We play on Monday's too. Elder Craig and Jensen love basketball. So its fun!

We have a couple things progressing in this area. The members love to feed us here so I have to make sure I stay working out haha! We have one investigator that will be getting baptized in September. On Sunday a Part Member family came up to us. This part member family's Dad wouldn't let their kids get baptized but he has finally given permission to get baptized. So we are going to start teaching her kids. One is 12 and one is 8. Miracles are out there. I told you all about the "Harvest" right? It is where we offer to bless someones home basically and it brings the spirit powerfully. The Assistants have been doing this a ton and they have found over 20 investigators each week for the last 2 weeks. So Elder Bennion and I decided that we will make this something we will really start to use. Last night, we set up a couple appointments to come back and bless the homes. And we contacted this one man who was smoking outside of his house. We just started talking with him about fishing. He was wearing a fishing shirt. Then we navigated to the gospel and he was really nice but he wanted to stay baptist. After rejecting to learn more we offered to bless his home. He accepted. We went in and asked for things he is struggling with that we could include in the blessing. We then gave the blessing and he felt the spirit. He then accepted to find out if what we share is true. And we got a return appointment. It is an incredible tool. In Preach My Gospel it says "When the spirit touches the heart, hearts are changed." This mission is taking off.

At our Zone Conference I completely changed. It was all about the Doctrine of Christ. President Barry told the story of Christ from the last supper until his ressurection. It was very powerful! I have never felt the spirit so much in my life. They shared statistics and success stories in the mission. And seriously, this mission is about ready to explode. President Barry is incredible! I love him so much! He has done so much for me! We had a testimony meeting at the end of Zone Conference and I bore my testimony. I was on such a spiritual high there was no way I wasn't going to. Elder Bennion and I have also been listening to this talk by Elder Bruce R McConkee. He talks about how it is wrong to seek a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. It sort of took me by suprise, but it makes sense. We should seek to know what he has done for us and appreciate Him...but we should seek to have a close relationship with our Father in Heaven. He is the one we talk to in prayers. We dont talk to Christ. We pray in the name of Christ because he is our advocate. When we say it in the name of Jesus Christ we acknowledge that all things are done to the Fathers will and that we accept His will. I have really learned the relationship of the Godhead this last week. I love my Heavenly Father. He loves me so much! And I am very grateful for Jesus Christ and I love him. I can't imagine how much pain he went through for me. I know that God is our creator and Father. I know that he loves us so much that he allowed his only begottten son to suffer something that would kill a normal person. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Atonement and the principles to obtain the blessings of the Atonement is faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion and the sacrement, recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost and then continueing to repent and come better through the Gospel or in other words, the Atonement. Some Elders started asking people what they thought the Gospel was. And many said happiness. Many said the Bible. Many said the Word. Many said Church. The Gospel is so misunderstood in the world. It has been distorted by Satan. I am so grateful to know of the fulness of the Gospel.

To comment on the remarks Mom made. I love that passage in Matthew 20. I loved Elder Hollands talk about it too. It is incredible and it shows the love of our Heavenly Father. The talk was absolutely incredible! This next Sunday Elder Bennion and I get to talk in sacrement. We get to chose a talk from general conference or something from the ensign. I am going to talk on  Elder Hallstrom's talk last conference about the Church and the Gospel. And then in the third hour the Bishop asked us to put together a 30minute lesson on missionary work. Elder Bennion is going to teach the Doctrine of Christ. Then we are going to watch the Bible video of Christ's Atonement. And then I am going to do the same thing President Barry did where I go step by step through what happened from the last supper until his ressurection. And then I am going to share a quote in Preach My Gospel on pg 2 which says (paraphrasing) "As your understanding of the Atonement increases, your desire to share the gospel will increase. You will feel as Lehi did " a great importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the world." 2 Nephi 2. I am so excited for it.

Anyways, I will write more to each of you individually!
My address is : just to make sure

2215 SE 14th Ave. Apt 58
Ocala, Fl 34471

Love ya,
Elder Wise

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