Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, July 2, 2012

Two Boys, Two Natural Disasters, ONE WEEK! - July 2nd, 2012

Hello :)

Debby was not quite what I was expecting. It did some damage in surrounding areas though. We never lost power or anything, but we did get soaking wet!!!! All the streets were flooded which was really fun riding our bikes in :) Lake City got hit pretty hard. There were some houses that got 5 feet of flooding and such. And yes, there are a ton of service opportunities for those who serve in an area that got hit pretty bad. We didn't have much service opportunity here though.

WOAH! I'm glad Teagen is okay. Some people down here were telling us how there were a bunch of tornadoes happening. We had a tornado warning the other day too but it never formed. I bet driving through a tornado would be scary! But Teagen is a boss, he probably was really calm haha.

So this week we were going to some former investigators. At one of them, Elder Thomas and I had different address in our GPS for some reason. So we tried both address's. We ended up running into a man named David. He has been through a lot. He is really prepared to recieve the gospel. He has been reading out of the New Testament quite a bit and says that he is trying to be more spiritual and that he feels there is more. I LOVE hearing people say that! It is so great!

One thing I really learned this week was FORGIVENESS. It is so important to forgive people. It destroys relationships if we don't forgive, and it is also a commandment from God.

It is crazy for me to think that I have already been in this area for 4 transfers in 2 weeks. It has gone by so fast. It seemed like the 4 transfers in Palatka took forever. I love this area so much. If I do end up getting transferred it is going to be sad! But I am preparing myself for it because It's almost guaranteed that I am getting transferred. But ... crazier things have happened, so who knows? Maybe I'll get blessed to stay in this area for a little bit longer :)

Stockton, you danced with girls?? :O EWWWWWW!! haha. Way to go bud! You are growing up so fast it's scary! If I remember correctly you were barely over 5 feet tall when I left. And now it looks like your 5' 8 or 5'9?? WHAT HAPPENED To You?

Micah, sounds like that camp was a blast! :) I wish I could see you lead the almighty Camas Band down the street! :( But one day I will get to see you leading the almighty University of Washington band down the street :)

Teagen, don't die! Your baby needs you :) Watch out for those tornadoes :)

Dad, you rock!

Mom, Good luck with your triathlon :) DOMINATE :)

Tish, good luck with all the pain :) LOVE YA!! I see Sisters in the ward where I am serving and I feel so bad for them. There is one that just had twins. And before she had them she looked like she was carrying around a 100 lb pumpkin! haha. There are a TON of pregnant people in this ward!

Alright, well I got to run :P I will let you know how it goes next week! :) Unless it's super important or an emergency then Sister Barry will probably have me call you. BUT, I am pretty sure it's nothing. The Doc made it sound like it's probably just a strained muscle.

Love ya, :)

Elder Wise

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