Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, June 25, 2012

DEBBY! - June 25th, 2012

Dear Family,

I have no clue what Debby is? But I am guessing it is that tropical storm in the gulf. Ya, we are supposed to get hit pretty good today.Sister Barry is sending out text on what to do when it hits. We also have a tornado watch today. So it could be a crazy day! So far it's a normal day. It was raining ALL DAY yesterday though. I haven't seen all day rain since I came on my mission. It was weird.

I bet Micah is excited for the Drum Major camp :) Let me know how that goes :)

I am allowed to vote by an absentee ballot? There is a member here who is going to help me get registered to vote. But I think I will need you to help me get all the stuff I need to actually vote with an absentee ballot. So I will let you know next week after I have figured out registering to vote and everything.


This week was good. We did a lot of service helping people move and such. We helped 3 people move this week and they were all last minute calls from members saying "Elders, can you help?" haha. It was great though! Service is a way to win hearts. Just like when Ammon served King Lamoni and then he was converted.

We have a neighbor who moved in across the street. They are super nice. The man was interested in learning and we set an appointment to come back. When we came back his wife answered and told us that she was jewish and she wouldnt be interested and neither would her husband. We ended up offering to help them with service. We are planning on helping him build a deck and we have given him food twice. He came over the other day and said "Can we get another Book of Mormon? My wife stole mine and she is reading it, and I want one to read." Her heart has been softened and now she is reading the Book of Mormon. Charity and service change hearts :)

This week was a good week and I have realized how much I have learned throughout the process of training. It has been a challenging, but very rewarding experience. Difficulties bring about improvement. So as much as I dislike saying it, difficulties are amazing!

I love you all! Stock and Micah, have fun at youth conference and leave the girls alone! :) hehe. Micah have fun a Drum Major camp :) Mom, keep enjoying summer while you can. Dad, I love you! You are incredible at being diligent at working hard. I know how to work hard and I typically do now that I have grown up on my mission. But, I am not very diligent with it yet. I will have my moments where I will revert back to my laziness. I still get out there and work. But on those days I don't work hard. They are few and far in between though! Something Elder Thomas said really helped me. He said that the past is there, but God doesn't care who you were. He doesn't care who you want to be. He cares who you are NOW! So I have really learned that I need to become who I want to be NOW! So that has helped me a ton!

Elder Wise

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