Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, June 18, 2012

CRAZY NINJA SQUIRRELS (like Cove Palisades! :) - June 18th, 2012

Dear Family,

I can't believe all that is going on while I am gone. Dad was just telling me that Brianna got married this week and that Dallin had a kid. I got a letter from Grandma and Grandpa about a month ago telling me that Holly was engaged? It is amazing how much stuff happens :P

That Spartan Race sounds like a ton of fun. I can't wait to do it next year. Going up horse power hill under barbed wire fence sounds pretty intense. I think I would come out of that looking like I got whipped on my back :/ YIKES!

Micah, you're going to the UW Drum Major camp huh? That sounds like a ton of fun! I hope that goes great!

Stockman, stop growing, I don't want to get dunked on when I get back :(

This week was much better here in Gainesville. I am sorry that I stopped doing the GATOR UPDATE! I decided I am going to start doing that again.


Travis- We had a wonderful lesson with Travis this last monday. We taught him the Plan of Salvation and we invited him to be baptized on July 14th and he accepted. We just got to get him to come to church now :)

A less active member we are working with. We found her by visiting a potential gator and she walked in and told us she was a member. Her records aren't here so that was definitely a miracle. She is doing really well.

Ron- We used to teach Ron, but he moved away. And now he is BACK! And he is currently reading a pamphlet about Joseph Smith and reading the Book of Mormon and praying about them :)

Kingsley- Kingsley was also someone we were teaching awhile ago. I was on facebook and saw him online and decided to see how he was doing. We set up an appointment. We taught him the restoration again and it went really well.

This week President Barry sent us a text asking if he could come work with us or give us some training that might help us. We opted to receive a training from him on member work and it has really helped out. We have a lot of good things coming up in the ward. The Ward Mission Leader and all the missionaries are really on board and working hard. Unfortunately I will be leaving this area mid July probably. But this area is going to start exploding again here soon.
I have to tell you about squirrels here. Either I didn't pay much attention to them back home or they are just crazy here in Florida. They are crazy! They never stop moving. They will run in circles around a tree for 30 minutes straight and then jump 10 feet in the air. They are ninja's. They aren't very intelligent though because I have had nearly 10 squirrels almost run straight into my bike tire while biking. I think they play a game on who can get closest to the bike tire with out getting ran over. THEY ARE NUTZ.. they sort of remind me of our family :) Just sayin...

Anyway, everything is going great! I am really glad to hear from you. I will probably be getting transferred  on July 18th.. I love you all and thank you very much for everything you do :) YOU ROCK!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and I will hear from you next week!

Elder Wise

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