Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, June 11, 2012

ONE YEAR MARK THIS WEEK! - June 11th, 2012

Dear Family,

That sounds like you had a blast at the triathlon Mom :) I am glad to hear it! That is incredible how well you did :) GREAT JOB :)! You will probably kick my butt when we do one together. BUT, I have been running everyday for about 3 weeks now :) except for Sunday! So I am getting back into shape :) And you went all out Mom. You had a full body swim suit and the super intense thing you were wearing when you ran and biked haha.. I forget what they are called. (Levi did a triathlon for his senior project. It was the BEAVER FREEZER. It starts in a pool, so no need for a wetsuit! :) They also have "jammers" when they swam at CHS, so he really didn't need to buy anything to run in! He is referring to the Tri-Suit I had on under my wetsuit. I only had running shorts! :)

This week was a little depressing but good. I learned at ton this week! We has SO MANY appointments fall through. It got really annoying, but throughout this week I learned a TON of things that I can do better and I am really excited to work on them. (I love the attitude of self-reflrection and adjustment and moving forward. Really...a lifelong skill!)

So my year mark is this week. Teagen told me it all goes downhill from here. I am having a hard time believing that. I believe it probably goes even faster :(. But going downhill... I dont know haha. A mission just never seems to get easier. The more I learn, the more I realize I have to do, which gets stressful. So we will see I guess haha. But I am excited!

We are really focusing on finding families right now. So we are trying to network the best we can. The ward goal is to get 2 full families converted to the gospel.

The lady who has the kid with cancer is doing well. She was going to come to church this sunday but didn't end up coming. But we have an appointment with her today :)

Mom, Sister Rivera says you are rocking by the way :)

So we are running short on time this week :( Im sorry! But, I love you and thank you very much. The reason why I dont have much time is because we couldn't get two computers and we have someone picking us up to go shopping at a certain time so we have to fly like the wind.

Anyways, I love you all and I hope everything else is going well :)!


Elder Wise
sorry for the short email.

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