Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, August 6, 2012

GOT CHARITY - August 6, 2012

Hello Family :)

The Fudge Jumbles traveled great :) AND TASTED GREAT :)

Well, it sounds like you all had an amazing week! I was just looking through some of your facebook pages and looked at some pics. Bishop Wight has the EXACT same bike I do! Except his has suspension. Crazy huh? haha.

Anyways, I loved biking up Mt Constitution when I did it. It was crazy hard but fun! And way to be 3 out of the 5 who fully qualified for scuba diving... that's AWESOME! And Dad, I liked your exaggerations!

Well, this week has been a good week. We have made a lot of progress in the area. We are working with several part-member families. And every non-member in those families want to get baptized. It is just a matter of time. I am having a great time here. Everything is AMAZING! From the members to the missionaries in the apartment! Everything is GREAT!

I have recently been pondering on how I can more fully dedicate myself and how I can constantly ponder the gospel of Christ. So there are a couple things I did. I made a book. It is a small book that I put in my pocket right with my tag. I call it my "Repentance Book". Whenever I notice that I did something disobedient to the gospel or to the missionary handbook I write it down in there. And then at night I make plans to fix those and I ask for forgiveness. And that has really helped me focus on the gospel of Christ and become more focused on my mission.

I was asked by my District Leader to give a training in one of our District Meetings. He asked me to train on charity. So I had read a lot out of Moroni and Ether in preperation for it. And I really noticed how important faith, hope, and charity are. It is really interesting. In  Moroni 10 it says that unless a man have charity he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Which just shows that it isn't just getting baptized to enter into the kingdom of God. It is so much more than that. In Doctrine and Covenants 4 it says that faith, hope, charity, and an eye SINGLE to the glory of God qualify him for the work. Those are the 4 main attributes all of the saints of God should have.. especially full time missionaries. Because we ALL go through tough times. We need faith and hope to get throught those times. We need to constantly expect the good. Specifically applying it to missionary work. I have really seen that when I have no faith and hope to find someone that day, we dont. And it always seems that when I have a lot of faith and hope that we will find someone that day. WE DO! It is absolutely incredible, the miracles that can be wrought by faith and hope are tremendous. It says in Ether 12 that the miraculous things that happened in the Book of Mormon occured by faith.

And in Doctrine and Covenants 121 it talks a lot about how the priesthood cannot be used unrighteously. It can only be used upon the principle of love. I have also experienced that. Love is so important. "Charity is the pure love of Christ." Bible Dictionary. I know that when I have had love for those I am talking to, you can feel the spirit. And when I don't, the spirit isn't there. It is all about charity. And when we are filled with charity we will bear a bold powerful testimony that is not overbearing. But it will pearce them to their hearts. I love the gospel. It is so true! I have heard some crazy things on my mission that have made me thinkI hear, . But nothing can convince me that this gospel is not true. Because the spirit has born witness to me that it is true countless times. I love it so much!

Anyway, everything is going really good. It is already half way through this transfer.. time is flying by like crazy. Elder Bennion and I keep talking about the MTC. It is crazy. That seems like it was so long ago but not at the same time. That's why only having 10 months left is scaring me.. I just need to take advantage of this time.

So every Sunday night we go over to a mans home named Brother Gard. Brother Gard was baptized 20 years ago and went less active and started coming back to church a year ago. He arranges dinners for us. That is his calling as a a ward missionary. And every sunday night he feeds us what we call "Gard Burgers". And they are so good... but so UNHEALTHY. haha. This last time I ate three bagels before I went over and then I ate the Gard Burger and I almost died. I thought I was going to throw up. But I thought I would just tell you about the delicous burger. :)

Anyways, I love ya'll a ton!

Elder Wise

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