Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, August 13, 2012

Power of God is Real - August 13, 2012

Dear Family,

It is incredible what the power of God can do. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE if we have faith, hope, charity, and an eye single to the glory of God. D&C 4. It has been incredible. The power of God is real. We can do anything with Him, and we can do nothing without Him.

I know that the priesthood is real. And when used with charity, we can heal the sick, soften hearts, and much more. I have witnessed so many things that I didn't even think were possible before my mission. I am so grateful for the oppurtunity to serve. I would be so lost without it.

Is Stockton still in band? Will Micah and Stockton be in band togethor? That is amazing!

Well, I have an entertaining story to tell. There is a park near our apartment that we go to to workout in the morning. It has a football field and a track. We were all walking and we just got on the track, and we walked about 20-30 more meters and Elder Craig jumped. He just about stepped on a snake. Elders Craig and Jensen started to analyze the snake. And they were pondering if it was alive. Elder Jensen decided he wanted to kick the snake. As he lifted up his leg Elder Craig yelled out "Oh it's ALIVE!" As the jumped back the snake tried to strike several times. We all got out of the way safely. Elder Craig, having set in his mind to kill the snake. Which at this time we identified as a Water Mocason. Which is an extremely venimous snake. If you get bit, you want to go to the emergency room asap. Elder Craig grabs one of those long medal benches that sit on the side of the football field. He takes it over to the snake and smashes it. He then gets on the bench and started jumping up and down. Then he started sliding the bench back and forth to grind the snake into pieces. Elder Craig is now very proud of the fact that he has killed a Water Mocason, which I would have to say is very impressive haha :) It was just a fun experience I had this week.

Other than that, everything is going really well. We have a couple baptisms set up for the end of this month. Everything is going really well here in Ocala. If I did the gator update anymore I would run out of time :) haha. But we found a family this week. The Fathers name is Jay. And guess what?? He is a boxer. But not just an oridnary boxer. He is going pro in January! Awesome HUH? They are great and super prepared to receive the gospel :) The Lord definitely prepares people to recieve the gospel.

Well, my hand is starting to hurt which means my time is up haha :) I love you all :) Everything is going great! Have a great week!


Elder Wise

p.s. Mom. I forgot to wish you happy birthday :( I'm really sorry! I totally had it written down in my planner. But I think I have just been so caught up in the craziness of everything, things slip my mind. Even when they are written down. haha. Love ya!

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