Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, April 30, 2012

A New Companion - April 30, 2012

Hello Family :)

It is great to hear from you :) This week was pretty good. We found out Bryant's name is actually Brian. But he was baptized on Saturday and confirmed on Sunday :) A great start to the new transfer and for my new companion. His name is Elder Thomas. He is from Kingman, Arizona most recently. He has moved 23 times and his parents are not in the Army. He also has 13 siblings. He is doing an incredible job. He is a good example of hitting the ground running on your mission. Obviously there are things to still be learned but he gets out there and opens his mouth. He is going to be a PHENOMENAL missionary.

So, the first two days of the week I wasn't really in my area. Wednesday was transfer meeting and we didnt get back until 7pm, so we only had 2 hours. Elder Thomas got pretty sick, so we had to stay in on Saturday and the only thing we went to was the baptism. Now he is feeling better though thankfully :) So this week, was really rough with numbers as you can imagine. BUT, a lot of good things happened. We don't have any investigators right now really, but we have a ton of potential people who could be really solid and Elder Thomas loves to work. So we are going at it and we should see many miracles soon :)

Our new Bishop is also VERY VERY missionary work oriented. He is beefing up everything that has to do with the gathering of Israel. So I am really excited for that. As for a family that has a google video account. I dont know of anyone, but I can create my own and I we can just arrange a time to do it? So let me know what time. I'll ask family if I can use there computer and we'll make it happen Cap'n :)

Let's see, what else to write about? Oh, Dad asked me how the Zone Leader life was for a week haha. Well, my trainers were Zone Leaders since you dont remember Dad ;) haha. So I was used to it. It is just a lot of traveling and not doing nearly as much missionary work : / So not very fun. 

ANYWAYS, that freshman girl sounds absolutely INSANE!! (speaking of Alexa)

Well, I guess I will share a little bit of a spiritual thought.So this will be an interesting thought haha. In Jacob 2. Jacob is throwing down on everyone about their whoredoms and pride. Then he says, "But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God. And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good, clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted." So it isn't wrong to seek for riches :) But you have to do it for the right reason. haha

I love you all, seek first the kingdom of God. THEN riches for the right purpose :)

Thank you so much for everything and I love you a ton!!!!!! 2 weeks till we shall see each other face to face!!!


  1. 2 weeks, what??? Are you about done, really??? There is no way you are that close to done. Man, life sure does speed along when you're 78. Wow.

    Love you,
    Grandpa and Grandma Whitney

  2. Silly DAD! He was referring to MOTHER'S DAY! :) When we got to SKYPE with each other! We got to see each other FACE TO FACE!!! :) LOL...he still has 10 1/2 months left!
