Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, April 23, 2012

IT'S A BOY! :) - April 23, 2012

Dear Fam :)
Well, I heard from Tish that it is a boy :)!!!! And his name is Trison apparently :) Some more crazy names coming from the Parson family :) haha. I like that name though!!
NO begging from me this week! HALELUJAH. HeHe.
Anyways, we had a training meeting for the trainers last tuesday and it was really good! I am excited to meet my new companion. It will definitely be a huge learning and growing experience :) Well, I have been with the Zone Leaders in a trio all week! It has been a ton of fun but really crazy trying to organize everything!
It has been a pretty crazy week! But it has been a week full of miracles! We got a referral from the singles branch in Gainesville a couple weeks ago and we have been trying to contact this man named Bryant. He finally called us back on Tuesday and we set up a appointment. I asked him if we could do anything for him and he said "Yes, I want to get baptized next Saturday, can we set that up?" I was shocked and I asked him how many times he has been to church, etc. He has been attending church since November and has been taught everything. So, he is getting baptized this Saturday! Pretty crazy huh?
Some other news, I was on a trade off with our Elders Quorom President this week and he asked me what I wanted to do for a career? I told him I want to be a Physical Therapist. Then he started telling me about PM&R. I am really thinking about it.
My Patriarchal Blessing tells me that I need to seek out those who are less fortunate in their lives and that I need to provide service, lift and encourage them. I think that my Patriarchal Blessing is talking both spiritually and temporally. If I am in PM&R I can do that. So I have been thinking about it. Obviously I want to do more research. But it is just a thought. Anyways! I love you and I cant wait to talk to you in 3 weeks :)
I love you all a ton!
Elder Wise

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