Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tough week, Strong Testimony! - April 9th, 2012

Dear Family,

HOLY MOLLY! It sounds like you all had a great spring break!!

Well, those were absolutely wonderful letters from all of you this week :) Thank you very much! Unfortunately I spent a ton of time reading them and writing to my Mission President so this might not be as long as typical but we will see.

The gun place sounds SWEET!! We should definitely go there when I get back :) How bad does the shock hurt when you get shot? And way to go shooting Mom, Dad :) heha.

Well, this week was not so great as a missionary. Every single person we were teaching except for one told us they dont want to meet with us anymore either because of anti or they claimed they dont have much time. So we are starting at square one again this week and we will see how that goes. President Barry has been putting a lot of stress on talking with everyone and asking for referrals from everyone and he promised us that if we do that we will have many people to teach. So we are going to really focus on that this week and hope we can find those who are ready to receive the gospel.

I am sorry it is so short but I will just bear my testimony. I truly know with all my heart that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Lord's kingdom on the earth. It truly is the work of God. President Monson is a Prophet of God, he receives divine revelation for the whole world. Jesus Christ leads this church. lds.org has new Bible videos which I have been watching and they are really powerful. Jesus Christ suffered for each of us individually so that we could return to live with our Heavenly Father. I also know how much our Father in Heaven loves us. I can't comprehend nor understand how much he loves us. I catch a glimpse of it from time to time. But he loves us more than anyone can possibly imagine. And just like Mom said, we need to get on our knees and thank him daily. I am so grateful to know the truth with all my heart, to have a chance to serve my mission which has changed my life indescribably. I know that the priesthood is inseparably connected with the powers of heaven. If we have faith, miracles will happen.

I love you all. Thank you so much for your love and all that you do for me. I'm sorry for the short letter! Longer one next week :)

Elder Wise

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