Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, April 16, 2012

TRAINING CALLING - April 16th, 2012

Dear Family,

On Saturday night I was writing in my journal. Then I heard our phone go off and I looked to see who was calling and it said it was President Barry. I then got really scared/nervous because I knew that trainer calls were coming out soon. I answered the phone and President Barry asked me how I am doing and then he said this. "Well, I am calling because I would like to extend a call to you to be a trainer of a new missionary. Will you accept?" I then told him I wouldn't accept. HAHA... jk jk. I accepted the calling. So I will be training a new missionary which means I will be staying in this area for at least 3 more months. I am sort of excited but nervous and not knowing what to expect too. I have a meeting tomorrow where I will hopefully learn more

And I am a moron. I am looking through the pics on the jumpdrive you sent me. I got the package btw and it was amazing :) I deleted all the pictures from Lake City. So if you could send me the ones from my very first area with Elder Failner and Snow and everything that would be great! And for my birthday, I would really love one or two pairs of running shorts. And if I could also get some normal white socks that I could run and workout in. :) That is what I would love! And Fudge Jumbles :) And the recipe for Fudge Jumbles :)

This week has been ruff! We have lost our only investigator and are now just trying our best to find. I really hope that we can find a lot of investigators before my new companion gets here. Although, a lot of finding would be good for him too.

It sounds like everything is busy with y'all which is good :)  

Well, today I was reading in Luke 10. He talks about the good Samaritan. I love that parable. It sort of rebuked me too because I think sometimes I see someone struggling and I say I'm glad that isn't me rather than helping. So it was really good. We have a message that will fix all the problems too.

Well, I gotta run! I love you and thank you so much for helping this pain in the butt out who always asks and asks and asks. This is going to end at somepoint I promise AND I will definitely pay you back when I'm bringing in the BIG BUCKS :) hehe.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I get to talk to you in less than a month. Do you want to do google video again? How do you want to do that??


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