Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, May 7, 2012


I have one question... is it even possible for a freshman female to run a 4:23 1500??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! THAT IS INSANE!!! WOW! (our frosh girl had just run this time at Jesuit Relays that week, becoming ranked #3 nationally and invited to the Adidas Jim Ryun Dream Mile in New York on June 9th)
So training is going well. Elder Thomas is doing a great job. It is just sort of stressful training a new missionary just because of the fact that I am used to having a companion who knows what they are doing. Now I have to explain everything we do and it takes so much time. It has been a wonderful growing experience. 
:) I love you bro.. Way to be 14!! Dad told me you are dominating soccer :) WOOT WOOT!!!
Right now in my area we are working really hard and we are finding new investigators but "they come and go like flies" says Elder Thomas.. Right now, we are praying fervantly to be able to find a family who will accept the gospel.. 

OH.. Mom, just send a letter for Vivian to me.. and I will give it to her.. I am sorry I keep forgetting to bring her address with me so I can give it to you..
Right now we are working with a young man named Shane. He grew up in a non-denominational church. So he has that "everyone is right" mentality. In one of our lessons he did say he hopes this is true.. So he definitely has potential to accept the gospel...well, everyone has potential.. But he is showing good interest.. It might just take awhile..
Mom, dont worry about sending more packages.. I seriously dont want you to.. I dont want you to send a christmas package or next years birthday package because I am going to need some help when I get back getting on my feet and get going ya know? I will need clothes. I want to get rid of the gap in my teeth..randomness .. but I think its getting worse.. So I might have to deal with braces for awhile.. I will need new contacts.. I will need shoes.. I just dont want to be a huge huge burden when I get back.. So just forget about those packages.. and I just ask for your help when I get back.. I am doing great with emails and calls every 6 months.
I love you all. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PACKAGE.. Now I can run! I really want to be in decent shape when I get home so I can just jump into doing a triathlon within a month or something like that.. but we will see. FOR NOW, I am just focused on bringing the gospel to my brothers and sisters. One thing I have really realized this week, is the importance of powerful prayers. I am now praying for everything, with a grateful heart. Everything I am praying for is for the wellfare of those in Gainesvile 3rd ward area :)
I love you all and I cant wait to talk to you in 6 days!!! WOOT WOOT
Elder Wise

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