Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, May 21, 2012

BUSY WEEK - May 21, 2012


Sounds like track is doing great and keeping everyone busy :) that is good! Well, this week was crazy for me as well. As I told you when I called last week, my peddle fell off my bike. It still isn't fixed and I have to take it to the bike shop today :( GAH! I save up for this razor and then my bike breaks haha.. oh well :P 

I went on a trade off with my District Leader who is Elder Lundquist on Tuesday which was fun. Then on Wednesday we made a trip to Jacksonville for Leadership training. It was incredible. They presented a new thing we cal "Harvesting". Basically, we try to contact people like we normally do and if they tell us they are not interested we ask them if we can just come in and leave a blessing from Jesus Christ on their home. It's the south so they typically say yes. We then gather information on what their needs and concerns are. We then address Heavenly Father, and in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of the holy priesthood we leave a blessing upon (the families name) home! It brings the spirit POWERFULLY! We ask them how they are feeling and then testify that that is the Holy Ghost and ask if we can come back another time to share a message that will help them have this feeling in their home all of the time. And it really is used to soften peoples hearts and it REALLY WORKS. I have heard numerous miracles already from it.

Wednesday night I went and worked in an area called Fleming Island. It was really neat. I learned how to make contacting more natural and enjoyable :). I stayed the night there and had leadership training the next morning which was incredible as well. Then that night we went home. Right now, we are still working with a few people but none of them are really progressing anymore :( So now we have to find some more people who will hopefully be willing to act upon this glorious message :)
So that was my week. Stockman! Good Job buddy :) Just hit those weights :) That is something I wish I would have done. I am finally now doing a lot of strength exercise so hopefully it will pay off :) Once you get that strength and endurance you will be unstoppable :) With your beautiful shot and your game intelligence. Look out, we got the next John Stockton in the house!!!

I got a letter from Adam this week :) He is doing fantastic! He has his first english companion.. haha.

I am really sorry, I really don't know what else to write right now. There isn't too much that happened this week other than leadership training. OH, actually our President sends us an email every week and he told us this week that if we utilize the new Harvesting technique we will double the number of people we find and double our baptisms :) So I am really excited to use it more!

I hope you all continue to do well! I love you all and I miss ya a ton. The Lord's work is moving forward :)

Elder Wise

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