Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, October 31, 2011

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! - October 31st, 2011

Dear Family,
Thank you for G and G's address. I will write them today! Happy Halloween :) Hope you all have fun tonight doing whatever you will be doing!

I got both packages Wednesday. Thank you so much! I loved the Fudge Jumbles and the Timber shorts :) And everything in there! The journal and all that stuff! It was good! The pants fit really well. I like them a lot and the belt too. Thank you bunches!

Well, we get transfer calls this weekend! The rumor going around is that Elder Dyerly is getting transfered. So I probably will be staying but weird things have happened before so we will see!
This week we reactivated Tamara :) WOOOOO!! She is doing incredible! She got that calling of being a Nursery teacher and she loves it! She is doing incredible and we are working on her son and some girl that lives with them. She is on fire! It is so amazing! She is an absolutetly incredible person. When I leave this area I will give Tamara your email address okay? So you can help her! We just arent supposed to give out personal info while we are in the area.
Gator Update:

Monroe: He came to church again this week. He still has the same struggles with smoking.
Matt: He came to church this week which was really good. We still have a hard time meeting with him though.
Christine: We couldn't meet with her this week either but we have an appointment for tomorrow.
Mindy: She really understands the importance of reading and praying. She really wants to know the truth too and I am really excited for her because she will be a great member!
I gave a talk in church this last Sunday. I talked about the Plan of Salvation and tied it into missionary work by saying others don't know about it, a lot of people think that there is no life or they don't understand why they are here. They are scared and we need to help them. Then Elder Dyerly gave a really good talk on application of principles and it was really good. Elder Dyerly is really smart so he makes a lot of people think. Then the Bishop gave a talk and it was also very good. It was a great sacrament meeting. I still dislike giving talks :P
Mom, I am really sorry to hear about Bart :( (my cousin Bart committed suicide on October 25th. This is the 3rd suicide in my Aunt Gloria's family in less than a year. It is really a difficult time in my Aunt's family.) That is really sad. I will keep you and all of Bart's family in my prayers. I don't really remember him though. It makes me sad when I hear about things like that though because it makes me think about how miserable a person would have to be to do that and I just wish I could help them in anyway possible. If they just knew how important they are to God and to other people too. It is just really sad. I wish the best for Bart though.
Anyways, I am out of time but I love you all a bunch and I hope you have a wonderful halloween and an amazing week and I will talk to all of you next week! Love you all a bunch.
Elder Wise

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