Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, October 10, 2011


Dear Family,
Yes, It has been pouring down over here the last couple days! Remember that packit jackit! It works pretty well! :)

Dad, it is really funny about the Elders being brave to tract in the boonies and man up against the dogs and all! Because most everywhere I have served so far is just country! And I am in the south! EVERYONE has pit bulls and bull dogs and have shot guns and are crazy southern hill billy's! haha! Not exactly true! There are a lot of amazing people here! But we do a lot of country tracting!

And I am very jealous! I want to go to the BYU game :) Too bad I can't! I'm doing some pretty important work haha :) 

(here is a little photo for Levi - we wish he could have been with us, but like he said, he is kind of busy doing more important work! :) MWAH!) 

Anyways, this week has been good! We tracted a lot more and we got some good new gators :)

Monroe: Same problems as before with him. I'm beginning to think that he might be an eternal gator! No, he will get baptized! He just has to get a desire to quit smoking!

Matt: Matt didn't make it to church :( It is sort of hard to get him to solidly commit and do something! We have lessons with him and Monroe together and I want to get them seperate! Hopefully we can do that!

Corey and Tina: We tracted into these two! Tina is Corey's mom and we had a short lesson with them and committed them to read and pray about the Book of Mormon! We are meeting with them tomorrow!

Carlos: We tracted into Carlos and he is so amazing! He is really sincere and really wants to find truth! He just moved from New York!

Tamara quit smoking this week which was amazing :) But she was put in the hospital for three days because she got Salmonella poisoning :P NOT GOOD! She is all good now though :)

I heard Seth got his mission call but I dont know where yet? Where is he going?

Anyways, I love you and I hope you have an amazing week with Teagen :) Tell him I miss him and love him!! You should make a picture of me on a poster and bring it with you to Tish's game :) That would be funny!

I love yall! I pray for yall constantly! :) I miss you very much :) Mom. get feeling better :)

Love you :)
Elder Wise

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