Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, October 3, 2011

UNDER COVER COP!? - October 3, 2011

Dear Family,

Well, this week was wonderful! I have improved so much! Like you said mom, Charity really is the key to everything. And figuring out how to constantly keep that is the hardest part. But I feel like I have realized the power and authority I have as a missionary and the HUGE responsibility that comes along with it. It is amazing!

General Conference was absolutely incredible! I learned so much! I wish I had my study journal with me so I could tell you who gave the talks I liked but I don't :( I really liked that mountain one you were talking about Mom and how he was talking about taking baby steps up that mountain and then you can turn around and look how far you have come and then keep on chugging along even though it is hard. It is worth it. I also liked that talk on the Book of Mormon and the importance of it. It is so big!
I haven't got to see all of priesthood session yet. It cut out on us at the church : ( It was a big bummer. But I did get to hear a little bit of Elder Hollands talk. Mom, Please serve a mission with Dad in the future? We need so many more people serving missions to get into China and other places in the world! We absolutely need more! And I know you would be an absolutely wonderful missionary :)

I could probably talk for two hours about what I learned at General Conference but unfortunately I don't have time to. haha! Something interesting, Palatka has papermills :) Reminds me of home :) haha. It is a big drug dealing town too :/ not so good :P

Funny Story: I was on a trade-off with Elder Wheeler and we knocked on this one door and a truck pulled up behind us. I looked back and it was just sitting there with the windows rolled up. At first I thought it was the owner but they weren't rolling the window down. So then I just ignored it. Then someone in the truck said "HEY, come here." We turned around and it was an undercover cop. He asked us what we were doing and we said sharing a message about our Savior Jesus Christ! And then he said "you don't need to be knocking on that door. That is a dope house" And I am pretty sure he thought we were trying to buy some dope or something? So he said " I need Jesus right now, share your message with me" And we started sharing our message with him very boldy and powerfully and I felt the spirit really strong and we asked the man if there was a time we could share more of our message with him. He then said "uh uh uh well, I live in Interlachen" We then said "Wonderful, we have two fantastic missionaries over there who would love to visit you :)" Then he said " uh uh uh, Well, do you have a card?" So we just gave him a mormon.org card and he drove off. I just thought it was a funny yet powerful experience!

Gator Update:

Monroe: He came to 1 session of General Conference. He is still struggling with smoking! Still working with him.

Matt: He also came to 1 session and it seemed like he really liked it and he quit smoking and he is reading the book of mormon. I am really excited for him :)

They are basically the only people we are teaching : ( We are going to be doing a lot of tracting and finding this week!

We have still been working a lot with Tamara! I actually bore my testimony to her yesterday about how much going to church can help and I sort of told her that you were struggling a little bit and missionaries brought you back and now you are doing some incredible things in the church and I testified to her that I can see how much work she could do for the Lord and I told her the Lord needs her! I love the spirit! It feels amazing :)

Anyways, I got a email from Bishop and I had to email president and so i don't have as much time today but i love you all very much!

And tell Micah way to go :) I bet Mr. Sawyer loves him haha! Tell Mr. Sawyer I say hi :)

Love ya'll very much,
Elder Wise

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