Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, October 24, 2011


Dear Family,

Mom, I think you and I get sick at the same time a lot for some reason. So if you dont get sick, I won't get sick - so don't get sick ;) haha

Well, I am glad to hear Stockton is dominating in soccer and that Micah enjoyed the dance :) And tell Grandma and Grandpa Thank you sooooo much.

Gator Update:

1. Monroe- We are trying to keep Monroe going but he is starting to not progress at all because he just doesn't have a desire to quite smoking : (

2. Mindy- We picked her up from our former investigator binder. She seems really promising and we are meeting with her again Wednesday :)

3. Christine- We weren't able to meet with her this week unfortunatly. I really don't know how much she understands about authority either.

4. Matt- He doesn't have much of a desire. I think he believes its true but he just want come to church.

The miracle tracting I told you about last week was actually in another area just barely we found out. So the 1st ward Elders are teaching them. We are just trying to remain positive and have lots of faith. It has been a little rough. But one thing that helps me stay positive is the fact that we are going to have 2 re-activations next week :) Tamara is all healthy again and came to church and she got a calling :) I think a lot of her problem was that she didn't feel needed but now she does with the calling and she is so excited. She is a nursery advisor and she is going to start teaching primary in a couple months when she feels more confident :) She is really amazing, and her mom who is about 70 is coming with her too. They both have a goal to go to the temple. I am really really excited for them. They both have such a strong desire to get back on the right path. They are amazing! I think a lot of future baptisms will come from her too :) She has a couple friends she is working on.

We also have a man in his twenties who has been coming to church with his Grandma and has been bringing his mom too! So we are going to start working with him soon. He is going to be a solid baptism :) He is a really nice guy too!

So success is happening here, but it just has been hard because Elder Dyerly and I are working our tails off and working smart too. The entire mission is seeing a bunch of miracles! We have been having 50-60 baptisms a month and every companionship in our district has had at least 2 baptisms this month except us. So it is really confusing but we are having success :)

I love this area too. Everyone here is very loving and really love the missionaries. It is a great place to be. I really love it. The sacrement this week was really good. It was the primary sacrament and they did a great job. Guess who is speaking next week? Your son and brother is! So wish me luck. They are letting me chose what to talk on and I am thinking the Plan of Salvation, but that might change. We will see how I feel.
Hopefully I will get my package this week :) I love you all. I miss you a bunch and thank you for supporting me!

Hope you get feeling better Mom :)

Elder Wise

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