Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, October 17, 2011

USING THE ASL SKILLS! - October 17, 2011

Dear Family,

It sounds like last week was a BLAST! Wish I could have been there! But I'm doing something important :)

That is so crazy that David Huckvale is coming to my mission! I might just have to let President Barry know that and maybe I'll train him! That would be really funny! I would love that! Is David English or spanish speaking?

Of course Seth is going to Brazil! Who doesn't?

Well, this week was a pretty dang good week! Although, Elder Riggs got his bike stolen and he had it locked up? Some kid cut his lock up with wire cutters for two other kids to steal it. And the kid who cut the bike loose was just sitting next to the bikes with the wire cutters in his hand when they came back? It was really weird?

We contacted into a deaf man this week :) I was able to use a little bit of sign language but I'm a little rusty! Then we had two amazing miracles on saturday. We decided to tract in the morning and we tracted into this house with a bunch of kids running around. We asked them if their parents were home and they said no. And then we asked them if they would be interested in a message about Jesus Christ! And they said their parents would be. They told us to come back at 5! Then we continued tracting and ran into a man who told us to come back later because he is busy right now. And we asked him if 5:30ish would be good and he said yes.

So at 5 we biked on over to the house with a bunch of kids. Their Dad came out and his name was Corey and he comitted to Read the Book of Mormon and Pray about it and we set up a return appointment :) The man was really really open.

And then we went over to the other man's place. His name is George. He wasn't there but we talked to his wife and she said that he was really bumbed because he got called into work and before we had knocked he was looking into our church and planning on attending it. And that he recognized that we were sent from God and he is really excited to talk to us. So we got a return appointment for him as well!

So there are some incredible things happening here in Florida! When I first came into the mission our retention rate was 52%! Guess what it is now? 71%! 2 out of every three baptisms we have had in the last year are still active! That is phenomenal! The mission is doing incredible and we have 500 baptisms so far this year! I love it here!

Gator Update:

Monroe: He was out of town this week so we couldn't really meet with him.

Matt: He is struggling to keep his appointments.

Christine: She is reading the Book of Mormon. She really loves her pastor though which is making it hard.

Carlos: He is out of town too :P

Corey and Tina: Very hard to catch. Didn't see them this week!

That is basically it for this week. We had a lot of miracles and we are super excited for this next week! It is going to be wonderful. This week was sort of rough but next week really should be full of miracles and full of the spirit :) It is going to be great! So expect a great email next week! :)

I wish I could have gone to that game with you! Btw, I can't watch that video! But if you send it in the package I probably can! Thank you so much for the package that is coming :) haha! Love you!

Elder Wise

This is the JAX South Zone with Elder Malm - the general authority that Levi was so impressed by! Elder Wise is back center - with that BIG GRIN!

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