Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, November 7, 2011

STAYING IN PALATKA - November 7th, 2011

HI Family,
Do you want to hear about transfers?? HUH? HUH? HUH? Okay, well here we go. I need a drumb roll?
Im staying in Palatka and Elder Dyerly is being transferred! So there is the big news for the week. :)
I won't know who my companion is until wednesday.
Attention FAMILY AND FRIENDS: The next transfer happens right before Christmas - on the 23rd or 21st -  something like that. So if you are sending a Christmas package you might want to send it so it will be in Palatka by the time the transfers come just in case I get transferred right before!And.....if you are sending a Christmas package, something I would love is TIES :) (that is all missionaries can really change in their wardrobe, so they LOVE new ties!) And scriptures if you can afford it. Blue ones with silver pages and "Levi Connar Wise" on it, because the ones I got are starting to fall apart. That one time they got drenched in rain is making pages fall out and all that fun stuff : ( But if you can't afford it I will be fine! That isn't I need! And if you do get them make them the two separate ones with the Triple Comb and the Bible :)
Today we are going to be spending quite a bit of time cleaning :) OH YA! I will send you all a good little package at christmas time :) 
This week was a pretty good week. We found a couple less-active members that weren't on the records and we got two new gators! Oh btw, Anna wrote me a letter and said you haven't been updating the blog and she told me to get on you about that. So here is me getting on you :P haha (Thanks a LOT Anna!) 
So we found this lady named Ginger this week and she doesn't have much! She walks around bare foot and has a lot of birds though. She is really into God as a lot of people are in the south! We have been teaching her and she sort of almost just meets with us to tell us were wrong but we got her to finally committ to read the Book of Mormon and find out if its true. And if she really wants to know she will be a strong convert!
We also ran into another lady named Barbara and she is sort of a lonely lady! And it was really funny because the first lesson we had with her she kept telling Elder Dyerly and I that we should be married! She said it a bunch! Then said "Especially you, (pointing at me) you have beautiful dark eyes" and she couldn't stop talking about my eyes for a little bit and it started to get a little uncomfortable - haha! But, we taught her about the restoration and she said she would come to church but she didn't because she said she got the flu!
Monroe came to church again this sunday and we watched the Restoration in our class that we teach and we talked afterwards and something Elder Dyerly said I think made something click in his head and so I am really excited for him and we are going to see him tuesday! We also have been working with our Ward Council a lot more and so I think we should be getting a lot more referrals soon! The ward I am in is a smaller ward and they struggle to fill all the callings they need.
Christine is really hard to get ahold of all the sudden and I don't really know what is going on! Then Mindy isnt keeping her commitments to read the Book of Mormon. :(
So I did my Gator Update without really doing the Gator Update this week! Sorry :( But, Tamara is doing really really well! She loves her calling and just keeps improving and improving! She is amazing! She is definitely the #1 success so far on my mission!
The work is definitely moving along here in Florida! I am having an amazing time! And I decided that I am going to start sharing spiritual messages at the end of my emails!
Today I was reading in the Book of Mormon in Alma! I love the story of Ammonihah! Alma goes into Ammonihah preaching of their wickedness and they kick him out and reject him! And Alma is walking away pretty rejected and sad because they wouldn't harken unto his words! Then the angel appears to him and sais hey, go back there! So he does and he meets Amulek! And Amulek had seen an angel that told him to go back to his house and he would meet a prophet and he should feed him! And he did and met Alma! And then they started preaching and a good amount of people accepted there words and a lot didn't! And a man named Zeezrom contends with Alma and Amulek and Alma and Amulek confounded him! And people took Alma and Amulek and cast him into prison! And Zeezrom tried to help them but he couldn't and became sick because of his wickedness! Then Alma and Amulek broke the chains by the power of God and caused the prison to collapse and killed all the gaurds! And then Alma and Amulek went to Shilam i think? And Zeezrom was there and was very ill and Alma healed him! And Zeezrom began to preach and that is where I am at! And I love this story because no matter how much I get rejected as a full time missionary or how much you all get rejected in your missionary efforts and no matter how down we get! We still have God with us and on our side! And any man who contends with us will be confounded! It is incredible that when a Baptist will try to contend with me. I just have to simply speek simple doctrine and they become confounded! We cannot be confound if we stick to the principles of Christ's gospel! I also love how because Alma preached simple doctrine and condounded Zeezrom who was a crafty lawyer in the ways of man and he became converted and is now preaching the gospel! It just reminded me of hope and how hard work and following the spirit will always bring success! And that has really helped me!
Anyways, I love you all! I can't wait to hear from you next week! And I hope you have a great week :)
Elder Wise

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