Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, November 21, 2011

HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING! - November 21, 2011

Dear Family,

So this week I was biking on my bike and something stupid flew into my eye, and it tore my left contact >:( Dumb THING! Anyways, about that, I was wondering if you wanted me to make a trip to Jacksonville and get an appointment at costco?? If I can? Because I dont have a card? But I do know that the perscription I have from Dr. Patel Costco does not have! I do remember that! But I was thinking it would probably be a lot cheaper to get contacts at Costco and I know a couple members who would be able to drive me up to Jacksonville? It is only an hour away. So call Sister Shirley and let me know what you want me to do. I can just sit back and wait for the ones from Dr. Patel. But I was just thinking it's probably cheaper for both contacts at Costco than just getting one from Dr. Patel :P RIDICULOUS! But just call Sister Shirley and let her know!

And dont worry, the area I am in is not dangerous at all! Everyone here loves the Jesus People so don't worry haha! In other business, I was wanting to buy you all gator shirts from wal-mart for christmas? I'm gonna go see how much they cost today? But is that okay? And also I need scripture markers? And can you get the ones that are like crayons sort of. Because the ones I have now are like Mechanical Pencil deals and they suck! And they broke :P I am borrowing my companions!

Anyways, this week was incredible! We had such a good week! The church is pushing insanely hard right now with member work and President Barry has actually asked us to avoid tracting. We are still allowed to but he wants us to find families and families are rarely home togethor unless you have an appointment. And converts that come from members are much stronger converts. And we have been trying to push member work in our ward right now!

Also, President Barry told us that it is OFFICIAL that in 3 to 4 years missionaries will have I Pads and they will have you report your numbers through the IPads and our planners will be on there! And teaching records and EVERYTHING WILL BE ON THERE! They even designed an APP that if your plans fall through it will tell you what would be the most effective thing to do! REALLY? That is the biggest stress of being a missionary, finding something to do that is productive! Micah will get to have that technology! I wont :( Crazy huh?

Anyways, Monroe is moving to Mississippi and we actually dropped almost all of our gators this week! The reason why I said this week has been amazing is because the work has become so much more productive! WAY MORE PRODUCTIVE! And I'm excited! We actually have one gator named Antawn. We randomly decided to stop by. He was a former Gator. And he is making a lot of progress but it might take him awhile to get baptized! He has a lot of things to work out.

For thanksgiving we are eating at a members home. There is a family named the Tiltons in this ward and it is half the ward! And so that family is feeding us :) We might play some football? I dont know if we can? We are still supposed to be proselyteing that day when we are not eating! So it is a normal day as a missoinary! I'm hoping we get Christmas completetly off but I don't think we will! I get to talk to you all in a month :) WOOO!!! I can't wait to hear all of your beautiful voices!

Anyways, I am doing fantastic and I am at a spiritual high right now! This morning I was reading in Alma 24 and that is where King Lamoni and his people bury their weapons and the Lamanites attack and they just kneeled on the ground and worshiped God while they were getting slain by the Lamanites and then the Lamanites felt really bad because they weren't fighting back and they started to worship God. In that story, 1,005 of King Lamoni's people were killed! But they were all righteous and because of their death more than 1,000 Lamanites were converted! We all need to be able to kneel down and let someone slay us for our Heavenly Father's sake! I don't know if I am at that point but I hope to be someday soon! I would like to say I would but I don't really know until I am in that situation! I love you all! Strive to be like the people of King Lamoni :) 

Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING and yes Mom I should be able to print things :) And, in another letter from Anna she said that you still haven't updated the blog?? So I dont know? Smack Anna if you want :P haha! I love you, and thank you for being such a great example to me! Especially Mom and Dad and Teagen :) And Micah and Stockton too :) haha!

Have an amazing week! :)

Elder Wise

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