Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

TOUCHDOWN>>>>>>LEVI!!!!!!!!!!!! - November 28, 2011

Dear Family,

Sounds like you all had an amazing week :) Glad to hear it! Sounds like you got some pretty rocking seats at the BBALL game :) NICE!

For thanksgiving day we ate at a family named the Tilton's. That is basically half the ward here. It was a lot of fun. Then we were able to play football for a couple hours! That was FUN :) I scored a touchdown :) OH YA!! I love doing things like that. The only bad thing is that I am so out of shape that I was sore for 2 days after Thanksgiving :P haha.

Lets see, what happened this week?  Well, I will be staying in my area for sure unless I'm training basically. They won't be doing transfers except for a few because of missionaries leaving and a few coming in. So I will more than likely be in good old Palatka for a bit longer.

Gator Update:

Antawn: He loves having us over but he hasn't been coming to church or anything :( He doesn't feel like he is ready to turn his life over to God just yet :P We are trying to pull out the repent now scriptures :)

Willy: Willy is a very nice guy. We tracted into him. We have only met with him once. But he really understands the message unlike a lot of people here. So that is really good.

Right now, we are really trying to get the member involved and work with them. President Barry is really pushing that right now so we have been trying to see a lot of members lately. Tamyra has also been doing really well btw. She came to church this last sunday and is fulfilling her calling :)

We really haven't had much else happen this week unfortunatly. Sorry this isn't very long either but I don't know what else to write. I'll share a little spiritual thought I guess.

I was reading in Alma 30 this morning and that is where Korihor is going around preaching against the church. And my favorite part of the chapter is when Alma dominates Korihor and he is just telling him how he is decieved by the devil. And I love verse 44. It is Alma's response to Korihor saying show me a sign. It is a marvelous response! And Korihor is still stubborn and gets struck dumb and eventually dies. But I really like that chapter because you can just feel the power behind Alma when he is preaching to Korihor and it just inspired me to strengthen my spiritual power and to always bear my testimony with the power of the Holy Ghost.

Anyways, I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week :)

Elder Wise

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