Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Needed: Member Missionaries! - December 5th, 2011

Dear Family

Thank you for the contact. I will definatly let you know if it comes :) I'll send you pics with my package :) I promise. sorry its taking me so long. I only have about 60 pictures so far and I don't think that is that much but I will send them next week or this week :)

That is crazy about Carli! It sounds like you had fun hunting for christmas stuff. (we went Christmas Tree hunting with the Gulzow's - great fun!)

Well, this week was odd! The first part of the week was absolutely horrible! Nothing was happening and we were fresh out of investigators and we were praying so hard to find people. Well, friday rolled around when we do our weekly planning and we had a fantastic weekly planning. We made great plans to find and it was super effective. Right after we finished weekly planning we got a media referral for a lady named Lydia. Her sister is about ready to get baptized in Arizona and she has been trying to find out when our church starts for 2 months. She came to church this sunday and we are meeting with her tomorrow.

Then we got 5 referrals from members this last week. We created our Ward Mission Plan with our Ward Mission Leader and the Bishop and all the leaders are really getting behind it and supporting it. Yesterday during sacrament meeting a bunch of members bore testimony about how they need to do more missionary work. We are so excited! We have so much potential in this area right now. It is about ready to erupt!!! This morning we got another Media Referral. And the percentage of people that chat on mormon.org with missionaries that get baptized is 80%. I am so excited!

I really think all the miracles are coming from the intense and effective planning and the sincere prayers because we have been struggling and have been working hard and now it is paying off. I love being a missionary. It is hard most of the time and very stressful, but when we push through and work hard miracles happen. When they do it makes everything worth it. I absolutely love it.

Right now btw, I am trying to really gain a relationship with our Savior. I know he lives and I have a strong testimony of the priesthood and all of that, but I want to have a close relationship with my Savior which I don't quite have. So do you have any ideas that will help me with that?

Anyways, I am doing absolutely incredible. I found out that I still might be transfered. If I told you that transfers were cancelled I was wrong. Everyone got confused. Transfers are still happening but we just aren't all meeting in Jacksonville like we normally do. So I still might get transfered. I hope not because this area is getting ready to erupt.

I love you all! Hope you have a fantastic week! Oh, I hope you watched the Christmas Devotional! It was so great!

Can't wait to SEE (we are trying to set up a skype with Elder Wise on Christmas Day - what a great gift!) and talk to all of you on christmas!! :) And I don't have a Florida accent I don't think? I dont know? You will have to tell me. I say ya'll more I know that. But thats about it haha!

I love you all, hope you have a great week.

Elder Wise

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