Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, November 14, 2011

AN OPPORTUNITY TO SIGN!! - November 14th, 2011

Dear Family,
Well, do you want me to tell you about my new companion? Okay, I will :)

My companion's name is Elder Boamorte! Pernounced Bow-a-mort-ay! He is from Brazil and he has been on his mission for 8 months! And yes, he is a very hard worker and I love working with him. It is incredible and I really think this transfer is going to be incredible :) And yes, he has to do a language study because his native language is Portuguese (I probably spelled that wrong). 

Crazy story! We got a media referral this week! This ladies name is Michelle and she is deaf! So I called around and got permission from my Zone Leaders who is Elder SNOW (my trainer) and Elder Mecham to go shopping to get an ASL dictionary! And let me tell you it was not cheap and I had to use my home card. It was $23.00 :P GAH! But doesn't matter because I needed to brush up. And now, I get to do a language study with ASL and I am hoping that at some point I get transfered to St Augustine for 2 reasons. 1. It is an amazing area and 2. because there are a lot of deaf people there :) That would be fun!
Can you send me my call letter please?? Because then I can study it and learn from it ?? :) Well, this week was a crazy week. It has been pretty hard for me because I have to plan the whole day by myself until Elder Boamorte gets the hang of the area and having everything riding on you isn't fun. But, he is starting to get used to the area so that is good :)

I have learned so much this week! I have been studying intensly into Preach My Gospel lately because by studying that and following it I can become a much better missionary. Elder Bednar in the talk he gave to us at the MTC, he said that if we become Preach My Gospel missionaries we will have success and we will not walk away from our missions wishing we did more! So I have been getting into that a lot more! It has been amazing! So far, I have learned that someone can only gain a strong testimony through the Book of Mormon! My main goal should be to help people recieve a witness from the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true! That can be hard! But I am trying to learn how!

We set a baptismal date with Monroe for the 26th this week :) And our problem with him has always been that he didn't really want to quit smoking but I think he does now! And he dropped from a pack of ciggaretes a day down to 4 yesterday :) I was so happy and excited! Elder Boamorte is exactly obedient too which is amazing and it makes it a lot easier to have a companion that is willing to follow all the rules than a companion that doesn't follow all the rules. Right now, we don't really have any other gators besides Monroe and Michelle! Pray for me that I will be able to sign and understand what she signs as well too please?? I need help with that!

Elder Wheeler in my apartment! I get along with him really well! He is hilarious! And, he is my District Leader. But anyways, he is training a new missionary! His name is Elder Vance and he is from Shelton, Washington :) CHECK THAT OUT!! Woooohooo! haha! He is a good Elder!

And it is wierd because now I am the designated driver this transfer and so I drive when we have the car and I haven't drove in forever so it is sort of wierd! I'm still trying to get used to driving again haha!
Anyways, I don't have much else that happened this week! Although I must say that I am a little upset that all the sudden you go to a BYU football game and basketball game NOW that I'm gone? REALLY? haha JK JK! I hope you have fun in UTAH! I'm glad you are going. That will be good. :)

Stockton: How is soccer going? Are you in basketball yet? Are you dunking it yet? I'm expecting you to!
Micah: WHATS UP!!! I heard you kissed a girl! In the play!! hahahahaha!

Also, I now weigh 180! I am doing good and working out! YES! You better be lifting them weights Stockton ;) And Teagen too!

I love you all and I miss you a tons! I hope you have an AMAZING day and week :) I know I will :) I'm preaching the gospel, how can I not be happy?


Elder Wise

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