Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Nerf War P-Day - March 4, 2013

Hello Family,

Things are going really well! We have a crazy p-day planned today. We are having a Nerf gun war. It is going to be a lot of fun!

Sounds like the entire family is having a ton of fun. 

We have 3 baptisms on for this weekend. The Mother and her child are getting baptized, and another unbaptized child is getting baptized. We are really having a lot of success and I hope we stay together. We had them over to our Ward Mission Leader's house and had dinner and it was amazing! Things are just really going along well.

I am scared that I am going to get transferred on the 20th :(. I feel like I am going to get released as a Zone Leader and White Wash train... That happened to three zone leaders last transfer. So I am hoping Elder Huckvale and I can stay together longer :)

I am getting rushed out of the door. People are trying to hustle and get to the Nerf war thing haha... So I am trying to type fast and not make it too short.

The biggest thing I have learned from Elder Huckvale is how to work. He is incredible. He really knows how to get it done and we are really complimenting each other well.

Anyway, we have our zone meeting this next week... which is different from a Zone Conference if you were wondering. President Barry conducts Zone Conferences which happen once every three transfers. And we conduct Zone Meetings and they happen once a month. Most missions don't have Zone Meetings. Anyway, everything is really busy and it has just been nuts!!!!!! A lot of missionary things this last week we had to solve.. It is good though. :)

I am sorry it is such a short email... we just have a lot we are doing today.

I love ya'll a ton... 

Elder Wise

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