Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Advice for Anyone Preparing for a MISSION! - March 25, 2013

Hello :)

The work of the Lord is progressing! We have been so blessed as an entire mission lately :) It is amazing to see!

It is such a blessing to be on a mission! If I would not have come it would have been a disaster in the sight of Heavenly Father. Our eyes our sooooooo temporal! If I wouldn't have come on my mission that would be at least 16 less souls who have entered into the kingdom of God! And their children and their children's children! And ME!!! And my future family! It would have effected the lives of thousands of people if I would have chosen not to serve. I didn't have a very strong testimony. I felt like it was all true but I wouldn't say I knew! I feel as though my testimony cannot and will never be destroyed! It would have been extremely selfish of me to have not gone on my mission! And it would have effected my life eternally!

Do you remember my list of 10 things I have learned on my mission? It has changed dramatically! haha!

Micah!!!! I am sooo excited for you to go on your mission :) Oh and congrats on being prom king! What a champ! (Micah and Haley were Prom King and Prom Queen! Pretty cute)

This is one piece of advice I will give to everyone preparing to go on a mission! It is something I struggle with! Pride and Humility! It is so important to accept advice we receive from our leaders! Especially church leaders and our parents! Even if we think we are right! It is okay to be wrong! I was blessed! I knew I had no gospel knowledge when I came on my mission! I listened to everything my trainers said. I did everything they told me too! I followed all of the rules! I was committed to be 100% obedient and follow my Mission President's advice! I have grown SOOOO MUCH on my mission! I have seen other missionaries come out thinking they know everything and wouldn't listen to their leaders. I promise you they have not grown as much as they could have! I promise you that if you will be humble and listen to your mission leaders! You will grow 80% faster than missionaries who don't! I want to tell all people who are going on missionaries that! So there you have it :) Pride is truly the root of all sin! I have really seen that lately!

We are having an incredible month as a zone this month! The Lord is truly blessing us! We might have 2 baptisms in our area this weekend. They are out of town until Friday so it is making it struggily. (Yep - he has been hanging around a Huckvale!! LOL) They will be getting baptized though! It is just a matter of this weekend or in April?

Well, have a great week! I love ya'll very much! Mothers day is soon! :)
Elder Wise

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