Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, April 1, 2013

Dear Family,

Well, I had some struggily situations this week. One, I tore my left contact...  no need to fear. I kept my old ones just in case something like this happened. So I am wearing that one and I will just wait until I get home to get new ones..

That injury in that game sounds nasty! Teagen sent me a picture of it. That is really gross..... How does that even happen? (referring to the Louisville player who broke his leg in the final four NCAA tournament) 

We have a pretty crazy week ahead of us! We are trying to help 2 girls get baptized on the 7th. Their Father doesn't think they are quite ready so we are trying to help them be ready by the 7th! We also have Zone Leader Council this week as well as our Zone meeting... So we have a ton to do this week! I love it because that will keep us busy and keep life exciting and different :)
Vancouver, not BC; Washington, not DC : ) 

I am really excited for General Conference... I always receive a ton of revelations so it should be really good :)

Oh, and yes I got the package :) It is great!

We love the shirts! (I sent them an Easter package with these shirts. They are great b/c people out of state, when they ask where you are from, always reply with "Oh, Washington DC? or "Vancouver BC?"... so I had to get them these shirts! LOL) 

Well, I think I have learned more from Elder Huckvale than I have the previous 6 months on my mission! I have really learned a lot. I love it because we are working hard and we are different, so we are learning a lot from each other. It is amazing! That is what life is all about.. learning and becoming like Christ.

Well, I better run :) Oh, so I was wondering if it would be okay if I didn't talk to ya'll on mother's day so I can stay focused until the end? (Yeah, so I was ready to kill him....then he let us know it was April Fools.....jerk.....NOT FUNNY!) 

Love you!!!
Have a great week!
Elder Wise

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