Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, April 22, 2013

Boston and the Gospel of Christ - April 22, 2013

Good morning :)

We had a great week this week! The Lord provides a way. We were hoping to have 3 baptisms this weekend. 2 of them ended up having to go out of town. The other one looked like it wasn't going to happen because we needed to get permission. A couple days before we finally got permission, I had been praying all week to get the permission. It happened :) We had a wonderful baptism on Sunday and the pictures are on facebook. I was wearing my new suit to church and to the baptism. So you can see my new suit in the picture.

This next transfer is going to be crazy! I was told it was going to be the biggest transfer President Barry has had. It is on May 1st. There are a lot of changes happening in the mission right now and it is crazy!

I was really depressed when I heard about the tragedy in Boston. It is just sad where this world is going. Only the gospel of Christ can save the world from it's own self destruction. (paraphrasing a quote in Preach My Gospel.) The gospel of Christ is the way and the truth and the light to all the world that is wandering in darkness. No one can reach past where the light of the Atonement shines like Elder Holland said... something like that. There is so much pain and grief and drama. I don't like it at all. I am so grateful that there is hope. There is a way! It is through Christ. Everything is secondary to the gospel of Christ. That should be everyone's number 1 priority! Serve and love others! Do as our Savior, Jesus Christ would do. There is no other way.

The Plan is set. Our happiness is laid out in a path, we just need to follow it! The Holy Ghost is there to avoid the temptations of Satan and stay on this path. The basics of the gospel are so simple, pure, true, and peaceful. I always feel happy when I come back to the basics of the gospel of Christ.

I hope you all have a great week! I am really excited for you to get your mission call Micah! I love all of you very much and thank you so much for your example!!!!!

Elder Wise

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