Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Last Transfer - April 30th, 2013

Good morning!

Sorry I never told you about p-day being on Tuesday. It is transfer week this week and we had transfers announced last night on a mission wide conference call. Elder Huckvale is being transferred to Savannah, GA. He is white washing an area as ZL's... CRAZY! He will also be going to the Georgia Macon Mission... :O... I will be staying here as a Zone Leader. My new companion is Elder Jensen. He was in Ocala with me. We weren't companions but we were really good friends and had a lot of fun so I am really really excited to have him as my companion my last transfer and to have him "kill me" as we call it. (that is what it is called when a missionary ends their mission - they get "killed" by their companion that sends them home)

We have a lot of potential in our area right now. I am really excited. May is going to be crazy! It is going to keep me focused. Did you hear about Sister Training Leaders? It is a new leadership calling.. we now have 6 Sister Training Leaders.. they are in companionships like Zone Leaders..
The Sister Training Leaders also come with the Zone Leaders to what used to be called "Zone Leader Council".. it is now called "Mission Leadership Council".

Here is the May busyness schedule!

May 7th Mission Leadership Council and my Birthday
May 9th Zone Meeting
May 14-16 District Meetings
May 22 or 23.. Zone Conference
May 28 Mission Leadership Council
May 28-30 District Meetings
June 5 Zone Meeting
June 12 Transfers!!! AHHHHHHHHHH

It is really good because it will keep me busy and help me stay focused. It helps a lot that we are having a lot of success too! I love being a missionary. I was with a missionary yesterday on a trade off. He is going home this week. We were just talking and I though "wow, I am going to be in his shoes in 6 weeks" It is just weird. I am thankful for the 6 more weeks I have to preach the gospel. I hope I use them effectively.

Micah, way to go on completing that half marathon. That is amazing! I don't think I could do that anymore. I am now 6' 3 1/2" almost 6'4" we measured today.. I am still growin,... :O I now weigh 210 lbs.. but in my defense.. I am a lot stronger.. my arms are probably twice the size of what they use to be haha.. I don't think I am much of a distance runner anymore.. I still run though.
I have been trying to play basketball a lot.

Anyways, I have a few questions... Well, I talked to President Barry about teaching at the MTC.. he told me to just apply when I get home and he will recommend me. He said I will get the job. They are looking for a lot of teachers right now. So, I really want to do that.

ALSO, we are having a mission reunion on July 27th.. I really want to go to that! Eh.. we will make these plans when I get home - haha!

The work is moving forward, BECAUSE IT IS TRUE!!!  I LOVE IT! You all are the best and I love you so much for supporting me on my mission! Have a great week!

Elder Wise

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