Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Book Is Blue And It Is True! - March 13, 2013

Good Morning!!!

We had an INCREDIBLE WEEK! Jennifer, her daughter Kailey, and Ashton.. a members grandson were all baptized and confirmed yesterday... It was an incredible experience! I will post the pic on facebook later. Elder Huckvale actually just posted it on facebook.

This week was the busiest week of my mission. We had our Zone Meeting Wednesday morning! We spent a lot of Tuesday planning for it! President Barry came out with us Wednesday night. We had been planning a movie night and it was stressful making that happen. Then we had a Zone iNet blitz in our area. An iNet blitz is where we come up with a bunch of different routes for all the missionaries to go see  less actives and part-members and we do it for about 2 hours. Our entire zone was there. We got 26 referrals to teach non members, 22 less actives and part members were seen face to face, received a lot of information such as people who have moved and so on. The ward was so happy to receive all of this information... it was incredible.

Then we had the baptism Sunday. Gladys Knight and her Grammy award winning choir "Saints Unified Voices" are coming to Jacksonville. Gladys Knight will be bearing her testimony and we have a ton of non members going. In the program is a place to refer yourself to get a gift package and a visit from the missionaries. Elder Huckvale and I, and 4 other Sisters will be taking all of those and sending them out to all of the missionaries. So this weekend will be extremely busy for us! I am really excited. Some wards have had up to 55 baptisms from this event. I have seen a part of her testimony and let me tell you, IT IS POWERFUL!!!! I am excited.

Transfers are the 20th. I think I am getting transferred. Elder Huckvale thinks I am staying. We will see.

This week, something that stood out to me was standing for what is right no matter where you are :) The truth is the truth and no matter what people think you must testify boldly of the truth. I love the gospel! And the way you keep your testimony strong enough to stand alone and testify is daily scripture study! That is the fuel! The Book of Mormon is so amazing! I cannot tell you how many times I have been struggling or I may have been a little shaken by some anti earlier in my mission. I always go to the Book of Mormon and read. I remember how I have felt in the past. IT IS TRUE!!! And the times when I am struggling, it always brings comfort and peace. The book is blue and it is true! Anyone who says it isn't hasn't read it and are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men. It testifies of Christ and His gospel. It makes me so sad when people start bashing the Book of Mormon, the word of God and they haven't read it! They have no clue what they are missing and it hurts me to know that they are so blinded by the devil. If only they would open their hearts. The Lord is doing the opening of the hearts and we just have to find the ones that have been opened.

Stock, DO TRACK!!!!

Micah, HS is over, time for a mission! :D I am jealous you have your whole mission ahead of you.. mine is almost over :'( Sometimes I will find myself really sad when it hits me that it is winding down!

Elder Wise

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