Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, February 4, 2013

10 Things I Have Learned On My Mission - February 4, 2013

Elder Bushman and Elder Wise - contemplating their top 10

Hello :)

We had a really busy/good week! We were able to find a lot of new investigators which we were really hoping for. Heavenly Father blessed us. One of them we found is a single mother with 3 daughters. They came to church Sunday and they LOVED it. The mother really loved relief society.

The other man we found played college football for Edward Waters College. A small college. He is living with some friends that played there too. We first taught him and it was a really powerful lesson. At the end of the lesson he was on the edge of his seat and he said "mind blown"! haha. He accepted to be baptized on February 24th. Now we are teaching his roommates too. We have another appointment with them tonight.

We have another lady we are teaching that has a baptism date for February 12th, so things are going really good right now.

Well, Elder Bushman is making a list of 10 things he has learned on his mission and writing about each one, taking about a page in his journal. I thought it was a good idea, so I came up with 10 things I have learned so far. It will probably change in the next four months. But it really helped me see how much my mission has blessed me and I am so thankful for it. Here are the 10 things so far.

1) What the gospel of Christ actually is!
2) What is most important! Priorities.
3) Who I am and how to be myself!
4) How to communicate! Especially in sticky situations. (Patience)
5) Power of Scripture Study and Prayer
6) How to recognize, follow, and teach by the spirit!
7) Humility and Obedience
8) How to work hard!
9) How to love people no matter what!
10) Use time wisely!

I am still working on all of them, but I have gotten a lot better at all of these.

To comment on Mom's last thing she wrote. (I made reference to him focusing on his mission and not looking forward to coming home. I compared it to racing and running THROUGH the finish line and not stopping short and "coasting", b/c sometimes that can cost you the race!) Sometimes I will catch myself thinking about what I am going to do when I get back home. As soon as I notice myself doing it. I recite 2 Nephi 31:21

" And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen." 

It reminds me what is most important right now and it helps me focus. It has really helped me this past week. I never thought being with a missionary going home would be so hard. But it IS! Elder Bushman isn't even trunky, he has some freak out moments, but he is focused. Just seeing another missionary go home is weird. I think it will be a lot easier when he is gone.

I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most important thing on this earth and it supersedes everything else! It is the only way to make it back to the kingdom of God. None of the other things matter! WE CANT KEEP THEM! I am so glad I have grown up in the gospel. I don't know what I would do without it. I am so grateful to serve as a full time missionary. I will push to the end. I will not let myself get distracted! I promise!

Thank you for being amazing parents and showing me the right path! :)

I love you all! Hope you have a great week! Good job Micah and Stock on your finals by the way!

I love you!
Elder Wise

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