Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I Know It and I Cannot Deny It - February 12, 2013

Hello :)

We did have a great week this week. I know Elder Bushman didn't. He is so depressed about going home.

Well, my new companion as of tomorrow is Elder Huckvale (Sooooooo exciting! Rarely do young men get called to the same mission from the same ward. Even more rarely, once out, do they become companions together let alone zone leaders together! So wonderful! Susie Huck and I are going to have a BLAST!). They are doing transfers differently. They used to call us Monday night and let us know who is getting transferred but not where we are going and who our companion is. Then we would all meet in one place Wednesday morning and then get our new companions and drive back to our area. Now they changed it. They had a mission wide conference call last night and announced transfers. They let us know where we are going, and who our new companion is. Vans will pick up and drop off now.
That is how I know already. I will get Elder Huckvale tomorrow :D (wooooohooooooo!!!!) 
As for some business,

Well, the gospel of Jesus Christ really fixes everything. No matter what the problem, when we live the gospel of Jesus Christ, our problems are solved. It just amazes me. I LOVE IT!

The guy who plays football is doing okay. He forgot how he felt the first time we met with him. He is still investigating but we have to help him gain another spiritual witness.

I don't know if I talked about them last week but I think I did. We are teaching a family of 4. (no father though) Mother and 3 daughters. The oldest daughter is baptismal age and the rest are under. They have come to church the last two weeks and the love it so much. The daughter is super excited about her baptism and we are trying to help the mother gain a testimony. She loves the church organization though. We are really excited for them. We found them by just contacting her on the street. She was getting the mail out of her mailbox. It is crazy.

Missions are really a blessing. It has really changed me and help me grow. I know it did the same for Dad and Teagen and it will do the same for Micah and Stock.

I like what you said Mom about having a journal to look back and remember how we felt. I am serving in the south. The Baptist Bible Belt. There is a lot of anti and I HAVE HEARD IT ALL! Most of it isn't true. Sometimes, it has gotten to me and I had to pray and ponder. EVERYTIME, I am drawn back to how I have felt in the past when I was first received my testimony when Elder Rendon and Olsen were teaching the Restoration to someone in our home and how I feel when I read the Book of Mormon. I KNOW IT IS TRUE. I KNOW THAT GOD KNOWS IT, AND I CANNOT DENY IT! Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God who restored the gospel. Thomas S. Monson is the current Prophet on the earth. I know it and I cannot deny it. No never, No never, I will never forsake!

We knocked on a door the other day. An Arabic man answered. We talked to him and he was friendly. He mentioned he was a pastor over an Arabic congregation. He asked what the book we were holding was. We excitedly introduced the Book of Mormon. Fear came over the mans face and he started calling the book rubbish and told us we need to throw it in the trash. We both testified to the man that it is the word of God. He then started talking about polygamy and how we don't believe in Christ. I told him I have one mother and one father, that I knew that Jesus Christ is my Savior. He then told me that I don't know Jesus and that my parents must not be Mormon  I then told him they are. He then repeated back telling me that my parents are not members. I was so frustrated with the hard heart of this man. That we was so closed minded that he was telling me what I believe. That I don't believe in Christ and that my parents (who he doesn't know at all) are not Mormon. Some people just aren't ready. The gospel is TRUE! (I've had many experiences where people tell me what I believe and tell me about my religion and how they know so much. It baffles me. However, like Levi shared, it actually makes my testimony stronger). 

Elder Wise (Disciple of Christ NOW and FOREVER :) ) That is part of our Mission Vision.

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