Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, February 18, 2013

PAPERMAKER ZONE!!!!! - February 18, 2013

Hello Family,

Well, my companion is from Camas, Washington. His name is Elder Huckvale haha.. It is always funny when we meet new members and they ask us where we are from. Elder Huckvale will say "I am from Camas, WA". And then I will say "I am also from Camas, Washington". Then this look of complete confusion comes over their face haha. It makes my day. (That is awesome! LOL... It is rare for two missionaries from the same ward to be called to the same mission at the same time. It is even more rare for those two missionaries to become companions, and Zone Leaders!!! It's so fun, and Susie Huck and I are going to have a BLAST!) 

Elder Huckvale is a genius missionary. He has genius ideas. This last week we set 4 baptism dates. We basically have a total of 6 baptism dates right now. The Lord is really blessing us.

Jennifer and her daughters are doing really well. Her daughter got sick this last week so she wasn't able to make it to church. We invited her to pray about getting baptized on the 24th. Later, she told us she doesn't quite feel ready for the 24th. So we are going to shoot for March. Elder Huckvale and I are calling it March Madness. It is going to be a big month. Our entire zone is really picking up and doing well.

We came up with a Jax East Zone Fight Song. Tell me if it sounds familiar.

Give a yell, give a cheer for all the papermakers here.
We are fighting for Jesus Christ.
We are brave, we are bold with a message to be told.
And a record that you can hold.
So testify, in the name of Christ.
Inviting others to repent. BAPTIZE!
Wherever they go, they will always know that the work goes rolling along.
That the work goes rolling along.


(This is th Camas High School Papermaker Fight Song set to new words!! LOL - AWESOME!) 

hahahah. We are calling it the Jax East Papermaker Zone.

Elder Huckvale and I are getting along uber well! It is so weird being companions. Elder Huckvale gave a talk in sacrament meeting this week. The Bishopric asked him to at the last second. He opened up his talk by sharing a story when we were on a double date. He was with Taryn and I was with Stephanie. Basically, we almost got in a 100 mph head on car accident going up to hike to some waterfalls. Then he said, "But no worries about the girls, they are both married now." And everyone busted up laughing hahahaha.

It has been a lot of fun. We are going to hang out in downtown Jacksonville after emails today.

Well, I hope you have a great week.

We have Zone Conference this week and we have to give training and set a lot of it up. So it should be fun :)

I gotta run though.
Love ya
Elder Wise

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