Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, January 28, 2013

Will Elder Huckvale Become Elder Wise's Companion? - January 28, 2013

I had a crazy week this week. In our zone we have had a lot of emergency transfers. One of which was an Elder that was supposed to go home on valentines day, but because of health reasons he went home a little early, and guess who took his spot? Elder Huckvale! So here is something interesting. Elder Huckvale is in Dunn Ave and his companion is Elder Baczuk. Elder Baczuk just got released from being a Zone Leader last transfer and is now the District Leader. When Zone Leaders get released, they always train. So here is the rumor, President Barry was planning on sticking Elder Huckvale with me in Arlington. He planned on having Elder Baczuk train. So he is just sticking Elder Huckvale in Dunn Ave until transfers. Then he will come with me. That is the rumor.

The Assistants work with President Barry to figure out transfers. They went on a trade off with us this week. On the trade offs, Elder Tomlinson (the Assistant) asked Elder Bushman how Elder Huckvale and I would be in a companionship. So it is actually sounding like Elder Huckvale might come back to Arlington with me. That would be absolutely crazy haha! (Elder Huckvale is from our ward and got called to the Florida, Jacksonville mission about 6 mo after Elder Wise!! CRAZY! It was cool to be called to the same mission from the same ward, but not the possibility of being companions and zone leaders??? WOW! - stay tuned) 
Teagen told me the BYU game was just like the one we went to. They started chanting B Y U Cougars around THEIR stadium... haha. It is so great!

Well, this week was really crazy.. We had three trade offs in a row. I was absolutely exhausted after those. haha. This week is going to be crazier.

Tomorrow, we will be going to a District Meeting. Wednesday, we have Zone Leader Council. Thursday, we have a meeting I will tell you more about in a second. We have weekly planning on Friday. And on Saturday, we have a short exchange. Then on Sunday we have Church. So basically, we will only be proselyting in our area from about 4 to 9 each day.. It is going to be a hectic week.

Have you heard of Gladys Knight and her choir "Saints United Voices"? Well, basically they come to big cities and she does a performance in one of the Stake Centers. She is a convert and she is from the south. They did it in Savannah a couple years back and over a hundred people were converted because of it. People in Savannah still talk about it. It should be pretty exciting. They ask missionaries to play a pretty big role in it. The meeting on Thursday is basically telling us what they expect us to do. It should be really great!

I got a letter from Brother Huckvale this week. He basically told me to not get trunky. That was neat.

Well, I was just talking to Elder Huckvale, and apparently President Barry told him that he would be coming with me. Crazy huh?

Anyway, I don't have too much to talk about this week. Well, actually, we have a former investigator that came to church awhile back and didn't like it. We went by and saw her again and she said she would like to try it out again. She said she feels more spiritually prepared. We retaught her the restoration and she said everything makes sense. We invited her to be baptized on February 17th. She accepted. It is actually her birthday. :) Things are going really well!
Anyways, I love you all a ton. Hope you have a great week. Mom, hope you get feeling better :)

Elder Wise

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