Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, January 21, 2013

Pride is the Source of All Bad Things - January 21, 2013

Hello :)

We had a great week! Jonah did get baptized yesterday and it was a great experience filled with the spirit. He is pretty scared of water, it was really neat to see his courage and faith in Christ to suck up his fear. :) Pretty incredible. He is 15. After the baptism he went up to the Young Men's President and asked if he could go to the temple now! That made my day. It was so great!

Well, this is Elder Bushman's last transfer and transfers are February 13th. So he will be flying home on the 14th which is Valentines day! He was just on facebook and he saw that his Mom created an event for his homecoming talk and that killed him.. POOR guy haha. He is staying strong though. He has been a good example to me on how not to get trunky :) He also got grilled at church yesterday. All the members were talking to him about going home.. He hated it.

Well, there is a man named Demond we have been teaching for awhile. He has always been pretty closed off to us. We couldn't figure out what to do. He is a part member by the way. His wife is a member. So one time we went over there, we ended up talking about sports for probably 20 to 30 minutes and afterwards, he really opened up and started asking really good questions. It just showed me that sometimes us missionaries have to be human :) haha. No, we always need to be ourselves, or else people can't trust us. That has been hard for me to try to find the balance between being myself and not wasting time talking about things that don't really matter in the long run. But, I do need to be human.

Something else I was reminded of this week is to be humble. I am prideful haha. We all are prideful in our own ways. Me, I am prideful when it comes to earthly possessions. I want to posses nice things :P I am also prideful in sports. STILL! I know.. it is pathetic. I am working on it though. In sports I am not so much prideful in the way that I think I am AMAZING... Because I am really not very good. It is more so I talk trash sooo much.. haha. Mainly joking around.. but still. I am working on it. I am obviously prideful in a lot of other things. But, those are my two biggest. A member of the Bishopric gave an excellent talk on Pride and Humility. Pride is really the source of all bad things. The member who gave the talk is one of the most humble men I know too.

Anyways, things are going pretty normal right now. Just plugging and chugging along with the work..

So here are the points of my Mission Statement.. the goals behind it.

1) Humility - I am a humble disciple of Jesus Christ.
2) Focus on the Gospel of Christ - I eat, drink, and breath His gospel.
3) Obedient and Diligent - I forsake my will for His.
4) Strengthen my Testimony - And I nourish my testimony daily!

That is basically what I am really working on right now.

I am sort of scared to go play Stock man in basketball when I get back! It sounds like he is the man!

FOR STOCKTON: Stockton, GET YOUR BUTT OFF THE PLAYSTATION AND HIT THOSE WEIGHTS! PLAYING VIDEO GAMES WONT DO ANYTHING FOR YOU!!!!!! Bishop Wight said it himself, all your missing is strength! Build that strength and EVERYONE will be SCARED TO PLAY YOU!!! I wish I would have worked out harder. I am already scared... haha. AND READ THE SCRIPTURES OF COURSE :D I LOVE YOU BRO!!!

Well, I love you ALL!! And have an AMAZING WEEK! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Elder Wise

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