Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Evil Corner! - September 24, 2012

Hello :)

Well, I am dissapointed in BYU! : ( But it's okay, I will forgive them.. haha. Anyways, sounds like TnTnT are doing great! :)

Chris is still doing incredible! He is all smiles and all about serving others all the sudden. It is really neat to see that Atonement change people. And in the process of seeing it happen to others, it is changing me. It is absolutely incredible. He should be getting the priesthood soon :) It was truly a difficult thing to perform the baptism in that low water. I had to put my elbow across his stomach and shove him down. I felt cruel, but it had to be done haha.

Elder Weaver is doing great. He is progressing along really well.

My bike is fixed! It is running smoothly. The day after I got the bike fixed I was riding to the church. Elder Weaver was biking in front of me. I saw Elder Weaver wreck in the exact spot that I wrecked. As I started to chuckle in my mind I found my tire sliding out from under me and soon I was on the ground. We both got up and we were fine. Our bikes weren't broken. My chain did get jammed between gears, but I was able to pull it out after a lot of frustration. But my bike is doing well. Both times I wrecked there it was right after it rained. I am pretty sure there is something really slick in that one spot. We were walking by it later and I almost slipped. So it is just a evil spot. Elder Weaver and I now call it "Satan's Corner".

Well, everything is going really well. All the investigators we have are really progressing. This week we met a man named Robin. When we first talked to him the first thing he said was "I have a question for you, why are you an elder? What did you do that was so great that your an elder? I'm a lot older than you, shouldn't I be an Elder?" We explained it to him. I told him I am going to be released in 9 months, and when that happens I will no longer be referred to as an Elder. Then he started asking questions about our missions. He thought what we are doing is really neat. Well, now he believes that what we share is true and he was at church this last sunday :) It was great! God really does lead us (members of the church) to the elect, and he leads them to us.

Everything is really just going fantastic. We have a lot of people we are teaching and they are all feeling the spirit and making the changes they need to. Since Elder Cardon last week I have been studying a lot about revelation and the spirit. WOW! I have learned a lot! Even on Sunday, Elders Quorom talked about revelation. It was really incredible. I have actually noticed a lot more promptings and revelations lately. In Elders Quorom we talked about the difference between promptings and revelation. Promptings was described as small thoughts we have that lead us to do good and to serve others. Revelation is powerful spiritual experiences where we learn something, and it has a profound impact on our lives and it is essential. I thought that was really neat. Then the Elders Quorom president challenged everyone to write down the revelation they recieve. So today, I went and bought a nice leather book. Really small so I can fit it in my suit coat pocket, and I am going to record the revelation I recieve on it.

So Stockton, how are you enjoying high school?

Micah, what are your plans for school? Are you going on your mission right when you turn 19 or are you going to school for a year? What's your plans?

I love you all! I am so excited for general conference! How about you? I love it!


Elder Wise

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