Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Birthday MICAH! - September 10, 2012

Hey :)

It sounds like Micah had a crazy week this week! :O But WOW!!! WAY TO GO! 1 WEEK to do ALL of that? I am very very impressed. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICAH!!!!!! I can't believe you are 18. One year and you will be on a mission! I am so excited for you!! :) Keep dominating in everything!! :)

Well, everything in Ocala is still doing great. Things are really going well. Chris is getting baptized this weekend. He is the one that got married. So I am really excited for him. Chris and I are pretty good friends I would say haha! He is just simply awesome!

Elder Weaver is doing great and we are getting along incredibly well! I forgot how stressful it was to train though. I got pretty stressed over this last week. Today we spent the entire pday shopping and cleaning and I just got sort of irritated because I basically don't get a pday. Basically, all the stress just built up but I am doing good now. Just did lots of praying :) Prayer is amazing! Like it says in 2 Nephi 32 that we must pray always. And the the evil spirit teacheth a man not to pray. I know that everytime I feel down, I don't feel like praying at all. But that is the time when I really need to pray. And it has really helped out today.

We have been getting a lot of referrals lately! We are going over to a members house tonight to teach a friend of his. And today we got a call from President Barry giving us a referral. Apparently a ward mission leader outside of our mission has been talking to his Dad about the gospel who lives in our area. And he wants us over :) So we have a lot of good things happening.

This Wednesday we have Zone Conference in Jacksonville. Elder Cardon from the first quorom of the seventy is coming to speak to us! I am really excited for it and IT WILL BE GREAT!

I am sorry! I don't have much else to write this week and we don't have too much time. :( But I love you all and I can't wait to hear from you next week!

Elder Wise

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