Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, September 3, 2012


Dear Family,

I got very excited when I heard about BYU. It is going to be fun watching them next year :)

Well, my new companion is Elder Weaver. Teagen, that reminds me of Kyle Weaver.. some guy in the NBA. Anyways, he went to the University of Utah before he came out.. I keep getting these Utes as companions haha. He is a music major at the U. He is great and we are getting along amazing! Dad, I have no pranks lined up for him. In the missionary handbook it tells us not to dot that. I sort of want to though. But I got to be obedient haha. He is from Kearns Utah which is just east of Salt Lake City.

For the package Mom, if you could send me a wallet that would be great! I am sick of not having something to carry my cards in. I just carry them in my pocket. haha. But other than that I am doing great :) And I am still working on those pictures but I will get them to you soon.

Hurricane Isaac wasn't that great for us :( We just got a little bit of rain but that is about it. 

TnT!!!! Trysen is coming on September 8th! It's going to happen. It is so weird to think that Mom and Dad are going to be grandparents. They don't seem old enough to have grandchildren haha.

But anyways, I am doing great! Just loving being a missionary. We have a lot going on here in Ocala right now. We have quite a few of investigators. So we are teaching quite a bit. Chris was supposed to get baptized this last week but some road bumps came up. But he is still going strong and preparing himself for baptism. He is such a great guy! 

We are also teaching a sister that is from Jamaica. And she is progressing really well. She is planning on getting baptized in December because her boyfriend will be down here. And her boyfriend lives in North Carolina and she wants him to be here for it. Her boyfriend is a member :)

And there are others we are teaching.

But, this week was fun. On thursday and friday we were walking all day because we were out of miles in our car and Elder Weaver didn't have a bike so we walked everywhere. the blessing of that was the fact that we got to talk to a ton of people on the street and we had a lot of success. It was a lot of fun.

We also realized that our tires on the car was wobbling. So we called the mission office to get permission to take it in. We got permission and we took it in to have it looked at and it turns out that all four wheels are bent. Missionaries before had been driving a little too fast over the pot holes right outside our house. Anyways, we got that fixed. And then on Friday I got a really sore throat. And on Saturday night I got really sick. At about 6pm I started to get a massive headache. And then at 8pm we went into a Sisters home where there is a lot of smoke. And I guess that might have trigured it. But I got really sick and I could hardly focus. I made it through the lesson. Our Bishop was out with us and he said "Elder Wise, are you feeling ok?" And of course I said no. We get home and I just sit next to the toilet for about an hour. And by that point I was just praying that I would throw up. And then I threw up and I felt a ton better. Then I got a blessing from the Elders in my apartment. I went to bed and woke up the next morning pretty sick. I have never missed a Sunday on my mission. So it was a little wierd thinking that I might miss a sunday. But at 10am I started feeling better. I went to church and I am soooooo glad I did.

Satan was really trying to keep me from church because every single lesson and talk had something I really learned from. Mainly all about charity, sacrifice and humility. And I felt the spirit powerfully. It is just miraculous to see God take care of me so I could make it to church and learn all of the things that I learned.

Anyways, I am feeling better and doing good.

Stockton, you are getting HUGE!!! I saw those pictures of you standing next to Mom... what is happening to you?

Micah, what are you doing for your eagle project?

I would love to go hiking up Mt St Helans by the way. That would be a ton of fun!

Love you, 

Elder Wise

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