Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, September 17, 2012


WOW!!! The Wise family had an incredible week this week! Trysen is with us :) Congrats TnT :) Micah and Stock had a blast in Seattle!  BYU SHOULD HAVE WON!! And Elder Wise was blessed to take part in a baptism!! Sounds like it was amazing! Oh, and Elder Cardon of the first quorom of the Seventy came to our Zone Conference this last week! WOW!
Well, first off. Mom, an anesthesiologist (spelling?) does make a lot of money... but they also work a lot of hours. I want a monday through friday nine to five type things so I can be with my family. So that is why I am thinking maybe sports medicine or Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. I dont know about sports medicine. I know that PM&R is 9-5 m-f! And they make 300,000 a year. But I dont know for sure yet what I am going to do.
Anyways, that was scary hearing about everything that happened with the birth of Trysen. Thank goodness for medicine. Tish! You are a CHAMP!! Sister Barry (Mission President's wife) read to us a scripture in Moses 6:59-60. She started to give the symbolism of the birth into the world through the mother and being born again at baptism and the Atonement. When a mother gives birth she loses an immense amount of blood so that this baby might live. Sound familiar? Christ also lost an incredible amount of blood! I think that is very symbolic! Sister Barry quoted something her Doctor said. " If women knew how close they came to death when giving birth, they would never do it. I have seen so many women on the threshold of death, and then they come back. It is truly a miracle." WOW! Thank you so much Mom :) You are amazing! You too Tish!
Chris's baptism Saturday was amazing! You could really feel the spirit! I was blessed with the oppurtunity to perform the ordinance for Chris! It was an incredible experience. The font is broken. The water doesn't come out fast enough. So by the time of the baptism the water was only just above my knees. So you can imagine it was quite a task to get Chris fully immersed in the water. In fact, I couldn't quite get him all the way down the 1st time. But we got it the second time :) It was so great to see the change he has made.
I have definitely recieved a testimony lately that God is truly preparing people. Everything just seems to be coming togethor right now in this area. God is really blessing us. We found a really elect individual last Saturday. She wasn't able to come to church but she is really interested. We are meeting with her tomorrow. And we also have quite a few of other investigators who are really progressing along. There is a lady named Susan who is doing great! She has come to church 3 times in a row and is gaining a testimony. And then we are working with a family who has 2 unbaptized children who are preparing for baptism. And Colleen is still doing great! She is going to be going up to North Carolina in the ward her boyfriend lives in to be baptized over thanksgiving! So everything is going really well! We are excited for this area.
We had Zone Conference this week with Elder Cardon! Wow, he was really powerful. He talked about the Holy Ghost and following the promptings he gives us. He talked about the question we all have with spiritual promptings. "Is it from God or myself?" He told us to act on everything we think may be a prompting and he promised us that we would eventually come to recognize what is really from the Holy Ghost and whats not. But he just said ACT on it. What wrong could come? It reminded me of something President Monson said. "I want the Lord to know that if he has an errand to run, Tom Monson will run that errand." I love that! I want to get to the point where I can say that I follow all the promptings of the Holy Ghost that I recieve. It was really powerful!
Thank you so much for your love and for being diligent in raising me right. Teagen, Micah, and Stockton, thank you so much for the example you set. Especially you Teagen, if you wouldn't have gone on a mission, I probably wouldn't have either. In complete honesty, I dont think I would have. And I am so grateful for that because of how much I have learned on my mission. On my mission, I have found out what the Gospel of Christ actually is. I have found out that the Atonement is real! When I first came into my mission I always looked at the third lesson "the gospel of christ" as something that just needed to be taught before baptism. But it was nothing that big. I was WRONG! Everything revolves around the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Atonement. It is the principles and steps to access the enabling and forgiving power of the Atonement. And everything we do revolves around that. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored in it's fulness through Joseph Smith! I know that Jesus Christ bled from every pore so that we might live! Just like Tish just suffered so Trysen could come to the earth to gain a body and learn and grow! I know that God created all of us and that he loves us very much! He is guiding our paths. I know he will take care of us as we keep his commandments.
I love you all! I hope you have an amazing week!
Elder Wise

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