Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, October 1, 2012



I am SUPER excited for General Conference! Oh boy! It is going to be really, really, really good! Every friday morning we have our weekly planning. I don't know if any of you are familiar with what that is? I know Teagen knows because he had Preach My Gospel in his mission. Anyways, we sit down for about 2-3 hours and plan out the following week. They have outlines for us how to do it. Anyways, we made some INSANELY good plans this week. We almost have the entire week planned out with who we are going to see and how we are going to help them apply the gospel to their lives so they can gain a testimony. So I am super excited for this next week.

This last week was a little wierd. We didn't have as many lessons as we normally do. We had a couple investigators fall off the map. One of them was actually staying with a member. That person ended up being a con-artist. He got 600 dollars out of the member. It was really sad : ( But, we were able to still work our hardest and we now have a couple new investigators we are working with. One of which is really awesome.

Her name is Shibrice and she is really open and she is sort of church shopping. She is really interested and wants to learn more. We have a couple of investigators who have been investigators for awhile but are progressing along very well. There are 5 investigators we have that would be baptized by now, but because of circumstances are just waiting. For example, one is dating a member in North Carolina. And she wants him to be there for the baptism. So she is going up there for Thanksgiving and she is getting baptized on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. She also has a son that is getting baptized with her :) So things are going really well.

Transfers are on October 10th. So not this Wednesday but the following one. Elder Weaver and I know we will be staying here. However, Elder Barnes or Jensen could be going.. so who knows? Transfers are always exciting.

But, Camas huh? WOW!! It sounds like they are doing a phenomenal job and are being led by the #1 drum major in the world, Micah! OH YA!!! I am excited for them. I hope they kick Union's rear end all the way down here to Florida, and then I will kick there rear ends back up to Washington. By that point they will be soooo emberassed that they will just quit :) I like it :)

And it sounds like that Freshman BYU QB is good! Sounds like I am missing some exciting stuff. But it's okay because you are missing out on the missionary work here ;) haha.. Except not really because you get it all from me.. haha. I am just losing myself now and I have no clue what I am talking about.

Anyways, I love you all! I'll be watching General Conference at the same time as you :D woohooo!

Love ya!
Elder Wise

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