Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Testimony From the HEART! - October 15, 2012


This week was pretty good. It didn't go as well as I would have liked as far as proselyting goes until the last day of the week! We have been working with a family who has 2 unbaptized children. Basically, without sharing confidential information. They are going to be baptized on October 28th and confirmed the following Sunday :) It is so wonderful! I am excited for these kids! They are really good kids and they have been waiting awhile to be baptized :)

I think I told you about the Jamaican lady before. Her baptism is all set up for Thanksgiving weekend. Not only her, but her son will also be getting baptized with her now. He started coming to church, going to mutual and he loves it and he has been sitting in on lessons with us. So there are some amazing things happening here in Ocala! The Lord is preparing the people to receive the gospel :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I got my bike fixed and it is running great now! Hopefully, we will steer clear from problems now :)

Well, besides those two miraculous events coming up in the future that I have told you about. We have a lot of potential for some others as well. I love missionary work. It is so exciting to see these people progress in the gospel and see the spirit touch their heart and change their lives. It is also really saddening when you see someone receive a spiritual witness and deny it.

For Example: Dad asked me about how my testifying from the heart has been going, here is a story. Elder Weaver and I were biking and we saw a man doing some yard work. We stopped and asked if we could help. He denied (no one lets us do service here :( ). We then started talking to him about the gospel. We soon found that he wasn't really willing to listen. I felt then that I should just share my testimony from the bottom of my heart. I testified of a Prophet being called of God and that God's church has been restored through the the prophet. I also testified of the happiness the gospel brings. As I testified you could just see the spirit working with that man. When I finished testifying I asked when a good time would be that we could come by and share more. There was a pause and you could see the spirit working still. He looked at the ground and back up and said "I dont think so." I know that he had the spirit bear witness to him that what I was saying was true. We biked off and when we were far enough away Elder Weaver said "I can't believe he said no. He definitely felt the spirit." It was so sad to see that! But, it is miraculous when somebody accepts it. And it makes everything else worth it. :)

Those zip lines sound scary but fun :) And dang BYU! They better be GOOD next year! Anyways, I love ya'll! Thank you for everything :) 2.2 months till we shall see each other over the internet. And then 4.2 months until we shall see each other again over the internet. And then one month from that time we shall see each other face to face!  haha!

Elder Wise

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