Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, October 29, 2012

Humility and the CHILI KING! - October 29, 2012

Hello :)

This week was great! The baptism yesterday went very well. The spirit was really there! There were some great talks given and it was wonderful! We had an investigator there and she was saying "that was awesome" with a ton of excitement on her face for her baptism which is next month! I love Ocala! It is great!

As for where I will be for Thanksgiving. I don't know! Transfers are the day before Thanksgiving and either Elder Weaver or I will be getting transferred. I think Elder Weaver is going to get transferred but we will see and if I am still here in Ocala, which I hope I am, we will be going over to a family named the McCullough's who are amazing! They have a son on a mission who left just a month after me so that should be fun there. So our pday the week of Thanksgiving will be on Tuesday and on that day I will be able to tell you whether I am getting transfered or not.

Thank you for the contacts and the shoes :) I appreciate it! Also for helping me out with the applications. The sooner we get them submitted the better chance I will have of getting in :)

Being a missionary right now is really exciting. I heard that the church is predicting there will be 80-90 thousand missionaries out :O. (The President just announced that young men who have graduated or earned an equivalent and who are 18 may serve a mission! Also, young women who are 19 may serve a mission. The previous age was 19 and 21 respectively!) President Barry was on the phone with Elder Gonzalez the other day. Elder Gonzalez is the area 70. Elder Gonzalez asked President Barry how many more missionaries they needed and President Barry said that 20-30 would be amazing. Elder Gonzalez replied saying "President, you need to be expecting 100 more missionaries in your mission. Work with the Stake Presidents on where you can put them." Our mission currently has nearly 150 I think. So we are supposed to have 250 in the near future. That is just really exciting.

The biggest thing I have learned this week is probably humility. It is so important to be humble! I wish I wouldn't have my prideful moments haha. It is really hard to constantly be humble and teachable, but I am trying to be. Humility allows us to be able to recognize the spirit more in our lives. When we are humble, we will be able to get along with anyone. When we're humble, we will be a better instrument in the hand of the Lord.

Anyways, that is pretty amazing Dad won the chilli contest again! He is becoming the Chilli King! You really should open up a chilli restaurant Dad :)

Stockman, thanks for the update on the roster! I had no clue who was on the team anymore. Sounds like the jazz have a solid team this year! That is exciting!

Sounds like BYU Football has a bright future too, and from what I here from members here, BYU basketball should be pretty good too! Pretty exciting stuff!

Anyways, that is about all that happened this week. It was fun though. OHHHHHH!!!! I forgot! I had a very interesting night last night. It was about 8:30pm. We had just finished our companion study. We have to do studies even if it's that late a night. We couldn't finish it earlier in the day because of the church and baptism and what not. We planned on going and visiting an investigator really quick before the night was out. As soon as we were about to leave. The Elders that lived with us walked in with a plate of brownies. Elder Weaver and I grabbed a brownie. Elder Weaver is allergic to nuts. Well, there were nuts in the brownies. We had to take him to the ER. He is okay. We were there until about 12:30 last night. So I am a little tired this morning haha.

Anyways, that is about it! Love you all! Hope you have a great week!

Elder Wise

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