Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, June 25, 2012

DEBBY! - June 25th, 2012

Dear Family,

I have no clue what Debby is? But I am guessing it is that tropical storm in the gulf. Ya, we are supposed to get hit pretty good today.Sister Barry is sending out text on what to do when it hits. We also have a tornado watch today. So it could be a crazy day! So far it's a normal day. It was raining ALL DAY yesterday though. I haven't seen all day rain since I came on my mission. It was weird.

I bet Micah is excited for the Drum Major camp :) Let me know how that goes :)

I am allowed to vote by an absentee ballot? There is a member here who is going to help me get registered to vote. But I think I will need you to help me get all the stuff I need to actually vote with an absentee ballot. So I will let you know next week after I have figured out registering to vote and everything.


This week was good. We did a lot of service helping people move and such. We helped 3 people move this week and they were all last minute calls from members saying "Elders, can you help?" haha. It was great though! Service is a way to win hearts. Just like when Ammon served King Lamoni and then he was converted.

We have a neighbor who moved in across the street. They are super nice. The man was interested in learning and we set an appointment to come back. When we came back his wife answered and told us that she was jewish and she wouldnt be interested and neither would her husband. We ended up offering to help them with service. We are planning on helping him build a deck and we have given him food twice. He came over the other day and said "Can we get another Book of Mormon? My wife stole mine and she is reading it, and I want one to read." Her heart has been softened and now she is reading the Book of Mormon. Charity and service change hearts :)

This week was a good week and I have realized how much I have learned throughout the process of training. It has been a challenging, but very rewarding experience. Difficulties bring about improvement. So as much as I dislike saying it, difficulties are amazing!

I love you all! Stock and Micah, have fun at youth conference and leave the girls alone! :) hehe. Micah have fun a Drum Major camp :) Mom, keep enjoying summer while you can. Dad, I love you! You are incredible at being diligent at working hard. I know how to work hard and I typically do now that I have grown up on my mission. But, I am not very diligent with it yet. I will have my moments where I will revert back to my laziness. I still get out there and work. But on those days I don't work hard. They are few and far in between though! Something Elder Thomas said really helped me. He said that the past is there, but God doesn't care who you were. He doesn't care who you want to be. He cares who you are NOW! So I have really learned that I need to become who I want to be NOW! So that has helped me a ton!

Elder Wise

Monday, June 18, 2012

CRAZY NINJA SQUIRRELS (like Cove Palisades! :) - June 18th, 2012

Dear Family,

I can't believe all that is going on while I am gone. Dad was just telling me that Brianna got married this week and that Dallin had a kid. I got a letter from Grandma and Grandpa about a month ago telling me that Holly was engaged? It is amazing how much stuff happens :P

That Spartan Race sounds like a ton of fun. I can't wait to do it next year. Going up horse power hill under barbed wire fence sounds pretty intense. I think I would come out of that looking like I got whipped on my back :/ YIKES!

Micah, you're going to the UW Drum Major camp huh? That sounds like a ton of fun! I hope that goes great!

Stockman, stop growing, I don't want to get dunked on when I get back :(

This week was much better here in Gainesville. I am sorry that I stopped doing the GATOR UPDATE! I decided I am going to start doing that again.


Travis- We had a wonderful lesson with Travis this last monday. We taught him the Plan of Salvation and we invited him to be baptized on July 14th and he accepted. We just got to get him to come to church now :)

A less active member we are working with. We found her by visiting a potential gator and she walked in and told us she was a member. Her records aren't here so that was definitely a miracle. She is doing really well.

Ron- We used to teach Ron, but he moved away. And now he is BACK! And he is currently reading a pamphlet about Joseph Smith and reading the Book of Mormon and praying about them :)

Kingsley- Kingsley was also someone we were teaching awhile ago. I was on facebook and saw him online and decided to see how he was doing. We set up an appointment. We taught him the restoration again and it went really well.

This week President Barry sent us a text asking if he could come work with us or give us some training that might help us. We opted to receive a training from him on member work and it has really helped out. We have a lot of good things coming up in the ward. The Ward Mission Leader and all the missionaries are really on board and working hard. Unfortunately I will be leaving this area mid July probably. But this area is going to start exploding again here soon.
I have to tell you about squirrels here. Either I didn't pay much attention to them back home or they are just crazy here in Florida. They are crazy! They never stop moving. They will run in circles around a tree for 30 minutes straight and then jump 10 feet in the air. They are ninja's. They aren't very intelligent though because I have had nearly 10 squirrels almost run straight into my bike tire while biking. I think they play a game on who can get closest to the bike tire with out getting ran over. THEY ARE NUTZ.. they sort of remind me of our family :) Just sayin...

Anyway, everything is going great! I am really glad to hear from you. I will probably be getting transferred  on July 18th.. I love you all and thank you very much for everything you do :) YOU ROCK!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and I will hear from you next week!

Elder Wise

Monday, June 11, 2012

ONE YEAR MARK THIS WEEK! - June 11th, 2012

Dear Family,

That sounds like you had a blast at the triathlon Mom :) I am glad to hear it! That is incredible how well you did :) GREAT JOB :)! You will probably kick my butt when we do one together. BUT, I have been running everyday for about 3 weeks now :) except for Sunday! So I am getting back into shape :) And you went all out Mom. You had a full body swim suit and the super intense thing you were wearing when you ran and biked haha.. I forget what they are called. (Levi did a triathlon for his senior project. It was the BEAVER FREEZER. It starts in a pool, so no need for a wetsuit! :) They also have "jammers" when they swam at CHS, so he really didn't need to buy anything to run in! He is referring to the Tri-Suit I had on under my wetsuit. I only had running shorts! :)

This week was a little depressing but good. I learned at ton this week! We has SO MANY appointments fall through. It got really annoying, but throughout this week I learned a TON of things that I can do better and I am really excited to work on them. (I love the attitude of self-reflrection and adjustment and moving forward. Really...a lifelong skill!)

So my year mark is this week. Teagen told me it all goes downhill from here. I am having a hard time believing that. I believe it probably goes even faster :(. But going downhill... I dont know haha. A mission just never seems to get easier. The more I learn, the more I realize I have to do, which gets stressful. So we will see I guess haha. But I am excited!

We are really focusing on finding families right now. So we are trying to network the best we can. The ward goal is to get 2 full families converted to the gospel.

The lady who has the kid with cancer is doing well. She was going to come to church this sunday but didn't end up coming. But we have an appointment with her today :)

Mom, Sister Rivera says you are rocking by the way :)

So we are running short on time this week :( Im sorry! But, I love you and thank you very much. The reason why I dont have much time is because we couldn't get two computers and we have someone picking us up to go shopping at a certain time so we have to fly like the wind.

Anyways, I love you all and I hope everything else is going well :)!


Elder Wise
sorry for the short email.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What is a MISSIONARY? - June 5, 2012

Dear Family,

Yep I did get my peddle fixed. It cost me about 35 because the entire crank was messed up. Then I also had to buy some chain lubricant. So it cost me just under 50 bucks to get it all fixed and get chain lubricant. Thank you for putting the 25 in there randomly :) I appreciate your love and kindness!

Oh ya, I remember senior boards week. They were stressful, but they were nice when I didn't have to do them :) I would hate to swim in Lacamas lake :P That lake truly is pumped in from sewage tanks :P GROSS! There are some lakes here that are much worse though :P (Liana and I just swam in Lacamas Lake this past week in preparation for an upcoming triathlon on June 9th - it was gross! :)

We were walking down this ghetto part of town yesterday and these two black ladies said "Hey you1" So we turned to look for them and we found them and went to talk to them. One lady was a hardcore baptist and was shouting "HALLELUJAH JESUS, THANK YA JESUS" haha. It was sort of entertaining. But the other lady was really elect. She is really open and is looking for a church. It was great!

We also are going to see a former investigator today who's son has cancer. She asked us to come back over. She dropped us last time because she was really busy with his chemo and everything. So we are really excited to see her today. This last week we worked a lot with less active and recent convert members. We did a lot of service and gave quite a few blessings. It was a really good week. Lot's of work done :)

We also got a sweet media referral from mormon.org that we scheduled an appointment with tomorrow :) So things are going pretty well!

Mom, I cant wait to train with ya to do a triathlon either :) So I have been running every morning for about three weeks now. Sometimes I do a sprint workout and sometimes I will just run. We only have 30 minutes to work out though so the longest I have ran is 3 miles. We ride our bikes everywhere. So let me tell ya, I am sore and my legs are getting toned :) I still need to work on my upperbody :P haha.. still a twig :) We should do a Wise family triathlon sometime. All of us together :) I dont think Teagen or Micah or Dad would like that idea. haha. Who knows? maybe they would! Would you ??

It is crazy how fast time flies. I feel like I just started training Elder Thomas a week or two ago. Transfers are this week. So 6 more weeks left of training which will only feel like 2 weeks :P

This morning I was reading in Luke! 

 "41 And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed,
 42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
 43 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.
 44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."

I have been praying lately for more respect and appreciation towards the Atonement. So I have been studying it a lot. These verses just hit me! A angel came to strenghten him because the pain was so great! I never knew that before. It just gave me so much more appreciation and love for my Savior and the Atonement. I was also reading another scripture in the Book of Mormon. I can't remember where it is, but it just reminded me that everything I want - eternal life with my family, and to live with my Father in Heaven again - is only possible through the Atonement. There is no way I could have any of that without Jesus Christ.

I love you all and I am so grateful for all of you :) Thank you so much for your love. I miss you a ton!

A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity 

:) What a great work to do :) I love sharing this gospel with my brothers and sisters! So we can all be in the Celestial kingdom together! Thank you for raising me up in the right way! :) I love you so much for your hard work and devotion towards helping me! You will be re-paid! :) Just wait and see haha :)

Elder Levi Wise

ps do all of you have a mormon.org profile?? Stockton? Micah? Dad? Teagen? Tish? I know Mom has one! It is a wonderful way to share the gospel through facebook and email. Brother Bass puts his URL on a mormon.org passalong card and leaves them with tips at resturaunts :) SMALL ways to share the gospel and that can turn into the salvation of our brothers and sisters :) LOVE YA :)!!!