Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, March 26, 2012

Baptism was AMAZING! - March 26th, 2012

Dear Family,

I got my suit and it fits good. It is great. One problem!!! It is a 3 button suit :( haha.. its all good.

Well, the Baptism was amazing! I had the opportunity to perform the Baptism for Alexis and it was AMAZING!! It is such a great blessing to be able to do that. Vivian and Alexis got up and bore their testimony in Sacrament meeting and I started crying. It is such an incredible thing to be able to watch someones conversion step by step. (what a testimony of sharing what you have! When you know what you have changes lives, then you see it change the lives of others...there is really no greater feeling!) I was reading in Doctrine and Covenants 100 during the passing of the Sacrament where it talks about God calling Sidney I think to serve a mission. It is a powerful section for me. And when she bore her testimony it confirmed to me that I am doing what I am supposed to and that I am fulfilling my calling :) And after the baptism I was talking to Vivian's son who is 6 and his name is Marcus. He turns 7 July 18th and he is excited to get baptized next year. I told him I would try to come back for his baptism. I love this family so much. Can we wait to go back for his baptism? Please? I really want to be there for it :) But anyways, It was incredible! Our mission President showed up to the baptism :) (That would be such a great experience for our entire family - to travel back and witness the baptism of a family member of a family that Elder Wise was a tool in bringing the gospel into their lives!) 

Kingsley is really really hard to meet with. His baptism won't be happening this weekend but we are still trying to work with him.

Vivian has a friend named Melissa who we had a lesson with Friday night and she came to the baptism Saturday and to Church Sunday. She is amazingly solid and has a baptismal date for April 8th or 9th. I can't remember. It is that Sunday.

Steven is also doing great. His baptism is set for April 15th. And we also have 2 people who have great potential of being baptized on April 22nd. So this next month should be full of miracles and really really busy. The work has been going great!

It sounds like the track team is doing great! How is Micah doing?

Teagen is 190??? He is lighter than me.. I think, from the last time I weighed myself. :( I have been trying to run everyday but it has been hard.

Well, I love you all. Hope you will have a great week! Are you excited for General Conference? Know that I am watching it right along with you :)

Elder Wise

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