Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, March 19, 2012


Dear Family,

Transfers is not until April 25th. We just had one. I told you that right? Elder Riggs and I are staying. The suit hasn't come yet, but hopefully today. And Mom, don't worry, I know you're busy :)

Well, this weekend was absolutely insane. A ton happened. Do you remember Vivian? Well, her and her fiance split up. It has been really rough, but everything is starting to work itself out. Vivian is wanting to get baptized as soon as possible. And so now, she is getting baptized this Saturday!!! :) And her 9 year old daughter as well. I love that family so much and I am so excited to see this. They have such strong testimonies and will be great members of the church. :) Unfortunately they had to split up. The ex-fiance's name is Steven.

He is still solid as well and we are still working with him and he is supposed to be baptized not this Saturday, but the following Saturday. :) So through this roughness, some blessings come. So we are having a ton of miracles here. The members in this ward are amazing. They are fellowshipping them like CRAZY!!! It's amazing. We are going to the park with Vivian, her kids, and 4 other families, for a FHE barbeque.. It will be a ton of fun.(I think this is a GREAT idea and something we should do more often here!....oh wait, you have to have sunshine to do that! :) LOL 

We also got to meet with Kingsley again. He was our very first investigator here in this ward. He is a 6' 7" 260lb. black guy. He is huge...and he is awesome. He loves photography. We set a baptismal date with him for March 31st. So obviously, we are seeing a TON of miracles!! I am loving it.

 And it sounds like the track team is doing pretty good. That freshman girl runs a 5:10? HOLY COW!!! Did she do cross country? That is crazy!

What is Micah's 100 time right now? I know it's going to be a 10.9 by the end of the year :) DO IT.. WORK HARD and the time will come. And Micah, I saw your picture on facebook.... hahahahahahahaha,. You had a pretty good beard! That's awesome. I think you should go with the bald man with a beard look from now on :) EXCEPT when your a missionary :) dont do that.. haah

Stock is playing 2 sports at the same time? That is studly! I don't know if I could do that. haha. That just shows how much stronger he is than me.

Well, that is about all this week! I love you all a ton! I miss ya! Share the gospel :) And keep being amazing!

Elder Wise

p.s. Tell Brent I wish I could be there :)

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