Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, March 12, 2012

AMAZING STORY! - March 12th, 2012

Hello :)

Well, Yes you did tell me you cried when you read it :) (Levi sent home a letter sharing a personal and spiritual experience he had with his companion and an investigator. He shared "my story" with her that helped her. His companion also shared a story that was similar. It was incredible and very humbling and powerful for me to know that my "hell" and experiences are helping people across the nation and also helping my son to teach. He said they spirit was so strong that day!) It is an incredible story! And this story just keeps getting better! I love that family so much! They all have such a strong testimony of the gospel. Vivian bore her testimony in Relief Society yesterday and I heard it was incredible. They were able to come up with 400 dollars to make everything happen that needs to happen. And neither of them have smoked in a week and a half! Steven got work off so he can at least come to Sacrament. So basically, miracles are just flying all over the place with them!! It is GREAT! :)

Our investigator that is a boyfriend of the member, his name is Dylan. We found out that he doesn't live in our area. We wanted to see if we could get an exception because of fellowship, but our Bishop said no : ( We are also getting a new Bishop this week so I have no clue what is going on.

We also got a new investigator. Well 2 new investigators. They are an older couple. When we first walked in they said " So are you recruiting? Because if you are we don't want to leave our church." We just kept going. At the end of the lesson we invited them to be baptized. They really understood the Restoration well. They responded to the invitation saying, "I can't answer that right now, but we will see." We had to run out so we couldn't work with him because we had an appointment. But that just shows the huge progression in that one lesson :)

So everything is going wonderful right now. 

Sunshine? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? (I was complaining about all the record breaking rain here!) It's only in the 70's and 80's? It is freezing :) haha.. I am not kidding though when I say I get cold very easy now :/ What happened? haha

I love you all a ton :)

Elder Wise

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