Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, January 30, 2012

UNCLE Elder Wise - January 30th, 2012

Dear Family,
AHHHHHHHH! I can't believe I'm going to be an Uncle. I am in shock but I knew it was coming soon. I thought it would be around April though, but I'm excited for them..
Now for the big news.... like I thought... I'm being transfered and Elder Boamorte is training. And yes, I will see Elder Huckvale on Wednesday and I will definitely give him a big welcome.
Valeria is still doing really well. She was going to come to church this Sunday but her husband had to go work in Southern Florida and she had to go with him so she couldn't make it. Bummer too because it was stake conference broadcasted from Salt Lake and Elder Ballard spoke and it was really, really good. He focused his talk on missionary work and how important it is and how we need to be urgent about it because time is short. IT WAS VERY GOOD!
Yesterday, we went and saw a part-member/less active family. They want to start coming to church. BLESSING! They have a kid that is about 8 months old and they want him to grow up in the church. Hopefully we can help the father get into church. I am excited for them even though I wont be here to see it :(
Do you remember the ties I sent home? I saw micah wearing one of them when I called home on Christmas. Can you save those for me please?? :) I want those when I get home. I like those ties...
Anyway, that is pretty much it for this week. Other than transfer meeting there isn't much going on. I will have the office email you my address or something. I'll try to get it to you as soon as possible.
I love you all and keep me updated with TnT and their little baby :)
Elder Wise

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