Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Keep Your Priorities Straight! - January 9, 2012

Dear Family,
Stockton, don't worry about getting cut. (Stockton was recently cut from the 8th grade boys basketball team. He is till playing on the Boys Select team however and doing very well. He is getting taller and stronger every year...so, watch out 9th grade! :) You are a very intelligent player and you have a good shot. You are exactly right. Hit those weights and pump that Iron and work HARD HARD HARD! You will be amazing! Just like the new High School Coach! 
Mom! You scared the BAJEEBERS out of me when you started talking cancer :P DONT DO THAT!!! There is a missionary here whose Mom passed away a couple months ago while he was still on his mission. I have no idea how you could handle that! (I told him about all the testing I did for celiac disease and how they doc wanted to rule out any possibility of cancer b/c of the symptoms I was having. I'm glad they did! But now on a strict gluten-free diet!)
Dad, I hope that basketball coach does good! He sounds good! I'm glad work is keeping busy :) How is the book coming along?? :)
So this week was pretty good. We had a meeting with Lydia and had a very good lesson and we also set a baptismal date for the 21st of this month. She is reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it so we are really excited.
I love this area a bunch. I love the ward members here. Tamara has been having a hard time lately but we had a meeting with her on Saturday and she is amazing! She is so determined to get back into church and she is just glowing. I know she can do it. She came to church sunday.
I finished the Book of Mormon this week :) And I started on the New Testament. I was reading in Matthew 4, I think 18-22 where Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James and John. And they were fishing and dropped everything they were doing and followed Christ. I love that example they set. God should be our #1 priority in our lives. We should be able to drop everything at anytime and do whatever else God wants us to do.
The two biggest things I have learned so far on my mission is how blessed I am and I need to have grattitude and also the importance of keeping our priorities straight. You see all the time throughout the Book of Mormon, both the Nephites and the Lamanites have good priorities and prosper and then their priorities fall. They set their eyes on gold and they fall. That's what happens everytime. We always need to keep our priorities straight. 1. God 2. Family 3. whatever else but those are the two most important :)
I love you all! :) Hope you have another great WEEK :)
Love Elder Wise

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